Determine if List Item has been used in List Formatted Line Item


Hi team,


I have a list of #Employees & am allocating a #Job Role to each of them (results in module EM23) & want to highlight which list items in the #Job Role list have not been allocated to a #Employee in module EM23


I tried using FINDITEM (see below in EM43) but this not returning anything due to it being dimensionalised by #Job Role. 


Is there anyway of performing this check - feel like there is but I am on the wrong track!









Best Answer

  • kavinkumar

    HI @MarkTurkenburg,

    Try creating a boolean formatted line item and make it as true in 'EM23'. Then try to bring this info to your EM43 thru 'ANY' function. Example below,





    Hence by this way, you can find whether a role has been assigned or not .

    Hope this helps!!




  • In your employee module, create a line item called "Role Counter" with a formula

        IF ISNOTBLANK('Job Role #') then 1 else 0


    Now created a new module with the Role as a dimension and one line item "Used Count". The formula of this line item should be:

    'EM23 - Employee Details'.Role Counter[SUM:'Job Role #']


    This modulw will now show you how many times a role has been used. You can sort/highlight/filter to show the 0. 

  • @nathan_rudman, Good Idea!! but I think the ask here is to see only whether the role has been allocated or not. I would prefer 'Boolean formatted ' line item rather a 'Number formatted' as it will consume comparatively very less space and that to in a Employee dimensioned  module. Agree/Disagree?

  • I did not see your answer before posting. yours is valid and replies precisely to the "role not used problematic". However being able to count is useful as well, maybe it will help Mark.

    for the size, yes boolean is smaller. but here we are talking a module dimensioned by job roles only, maybe time, so extremely small. I used to do all this kind of counting by boolean, but very often you end up having to count as well, so then you need a number format, based on your boolean, which ends up being more space and calcs.
  • Thanks Kavin! - Great solution. Gives me a better understanding of how to use x[ANY:y]

  • Thanks Nathan - definitely useful to know when counting the frequency of occurrence of list items