Display Properties from a Numbered List


  Is there a way to display across in a module, the "Properties" field names from a numbered list? In the list below there are four property fields I'd like to display across in a module in the "rows" section where currently there is just one column - first row is "Virus Protect."


  • Hi Michael

    Am not sure if you have straight ways to acheive it as you can only call list item name in the reports or modules.

    One way to do it would be as below:

    1) Create line items
    2) Format them as text and make sure time is set to year (Preferably) or not applicable
    3) Write a formula to those line items linking to list properties
    4) Have the line items and time in columns
    5) Hide all the months for property line items
    6) Save the module or publish to dashboard

    This should serve your purpose