Dynamic module for list in a hierarchy


I need help creating a list for the market.  I was able to do this at the retailer level, but how do you do the same thing for the market.  I need to be able to do this so that I have the code for the market.  

Best Answer

  • prabhu
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Valeria,

    I have created a similar model.


    1. Market (FSG) List is Created and Assigned parent (Parent of Market (FSG) List).





    2. Created a module with Market FSG as Dimension

    The formula for Market Code is : CODE(ITEM('Market (FSG)'))


    Try copying with this Formula.








    To your note: When you write finditem function in Market (FSG) Line Item: it References Market Code Line item

    That is Market (FSG) Line item is Dependent on Market Code Line item (Market (FSG) -> Market Code)


    and if you write a formula in Market Code Line item as Code(Market (FSG))

    Market Code Line item is dependent on Market (FSG) Line item ((Market Code -> Market (FSG)))


    That's why you are getting circular reference error.


    if you Write CODE(ITEM('Market (FSG)')) in Market Code Line item, it is dependent on the Dimension of the Module, so you shouldn't get any error.



    Sorna Raja Prabhu

