Excel Add-in Connection -Refresh workbook fail



I created a Multi-Sheet connection (5 tabs). After reopened the file, I found Excel Add-in cannot find the module used when I try to refresh all tabs with one click.

Could you kindly tell me how to solve this issue? 







  • Hi chengchenggan,

    I would check if you still have access to the module. To check this you will need workspace administrator access on the model. If you do not have this, please ask a WSA to check read access to the modules for your Anaplan account (Settings -> Users)

  • @chengchenggan 

    Just to add to @anirudh comment,

    1. Make sure the module and/or the saved view your looking for hasn't been changed or removed.
    2. you will use basic authentication to connect to the model, so make sure your password hasn't changed or needs to be updated
  • Thanks Jared. 1) I have the access to the module . 2) the module doesn't change in both Anaplan and Excel. 3) The password doesn't change.


    Today I reopened the file, the connection is back to normal. But sometimes Excel cannot identify all Multiple-sheet connections needed to be refreshed. For example, 3 tabs come from the same module, only 2 are linked to refresh. I didn't change the format of the module in Excel.


    How to avoid this connection issue? 






  • @chengchenggan 


    Thanks for the response. I'm afraid that your situation is a bit beyond my knowledge. I would recommend the following: Send a note to support@anaplan.com with the same detail as you provided here. they may have some additional information that will help you track down what's going on. 

    I also copied Magali, the extension leader at Anaplan, in the hope she may have some insight. 

    Once you feel you've gotten closer to the solution, I hope you'll post the solution here so we can all see the answer.

  • Customer Support team reviewed my case. I'm using the early build version of the Anaplan Excel addin 4.x (  There have been some refresh issue that has been resolved in the latest version of the addin   


    After reinstallation, the refresh is working fine for now. 

