Filter selector with multiple dimensions (filter product selector for individual customers)


Dear community,


I'm setting up a view for New UX dashboard, where products selector should be filtered individually for each customer. The use case is that each customer has own set of valid products and we don't want to show full list of products for each customer.


For that, I have a boolean line item as a filter with dimension of customers and products. When applying a filter to products, all looks good, the Customer parameter is set up to "-- Current page --" as expected. However, once I click ok, the filter doesn't work correctly and shows a warning without any comment (see screenshot).


I also tried to set this up directly in New UX as a filter for selector, but there's no an option to set the customer as a "Current page" (similar to what we have for users on last screenshot). It's only possible to choose one of the customers, from which it'll pull filter booleans. See my last screenshot.


Did someone found a workaround for this? Is this even possible? 
Maybe it's planned as an enhancement for New UX? Please let me know, so that I know how should I proceed with further development.


Many thanks,




Setting up the filter:



Getting error after applying it:

Filter error.png


Setting up same in New UX:

New UX.png


  • As I understand it, you're trying to apply an intersection filter between two Dimensions that are BOTH Page Selectors. This isn't possible right now. You can filter on Page Selectors when the filters are standalone, and you can have intersection filters applied between a Page Selector and a Column/Row.


    That being said, maybe you can consider a best practice and GB-saving solution where you create a composite list where Customers are parents of a numbered list representing Product (it should save space if Customers can only have certain Products). This list will naturally have that filter.



  • I also thought that this is not possible, however I am confused why anaplan successfully sets up filter the way I want (first screenshot). The issue appears only after applying the filter.


    In our case composite list is not possible due to requirements and will only add up to GBs (plus additional reports to show or input on product group totals). The sparsity is not that bad.