Having Multiple User Entries on a Dashboard?


Hi, there, 


Is there a way to have multiple user entries on a dashboard? Let's say I have 10 products and 2 customers. I want my customers to be able to input all the products they want on a dashboard. My desired outcome would look like this:

For Customer Joe

Product Unit DemandCost per UnitTotal Cost
Product A5$3$15
Product B10$2$20
Product C2$5$10
Product D1$35$35


So in essence, how can the user enter multiple entries and have it visible like in the table above, from a dashboard in the new UX? 

Best Answer

  • anikdas
    Answer ✓

    Hi @sosunkwo 

    Here is the step by step approach:

    1. Create the lists like this. Note: # Products by Customers is a numbered list.

    Screenshot 2020-07-02 at 10.32.27 AM.png

    2. Create a module like below:

    Screenshot 2020-07-02 at 10.32.45 AM.png

    3. Create an action to add to the numbered list. Use the "Create" action

    Screenshot 2020-07-02 at 10.33.42 AM.png

    4. You will have to give selective access at Customer level to individual users so that they see only the customers that they are supposed to see. In my list of customers, I have 2 customers.

    Screenshot 2020-07-02 at 10.33.54 AM.png

    5. Click on Customer 1, and then click the button "Add New Line". Then you can fill up the details as needed.

    Screenshot 2020-07-02 at 10.34.20 AM.png


  • anikdas

    Hi @sosunkwo 

    There can be two ways to solve this:

    Approach 1:

    You can have one module with customer and product dimension. Using selective access you can control, which products do they see on the dashboard.  


    Approach 2:

    The other way you can achieve this using a numbered list with Customer list as it's parent. This list will enable users to add new list items in the numbered list from the dashboard (using Add Action) and fill up details against it. It would look something like this:

    #Numbered ListProduct Unit DemandCost per UnitTotal Cost
    #1Product A5$3$15
    #2Product B10$2$20
    #3Product C2$5$10
    #4Product D1$35$35


    Approach 1 may be preferred as it is simpler to design.

  • Hi, Anikdas,


    Thanks for the response. but will approach one be better if I had more than 2 customers? I used 2 in my initial question for quick illustration. I actually have about 30 customers.

  • anikdas

    Approach 1 will be better if there is not a sparsity issue. If only a part of product list is applicable to customer, then it may cause sparsity issue. With 30 customers, it should not be a concern though.


    In the 2nd approach, I have suggested the addition of numbered list which will be added activity for users.


    From a usability perspective, approach 1 will be better if it is not causing sparsity issue.

  • @anikdas , so yeah, there is a lot of sparsity issue. Again for illustration purposes, I used a smaller number of products in my initial question. I actually have 150 products and 30 customers, and obviously no one customer orders all 150 products. So a whole lot of cells with 0 value for unit demand etc.


    I'm curious as to how to approach the option 2 you suggested? as that might be the better option. 

  • Thanks, @anikdas, this was a good solution. 



