Import From Saved View to List


I have a group of Actions that build create multiple Lists to create a hierarchy. These actions are made up of Save Views which I use to Import into each List to build up the Hierarchy. This has been working well; however, when the Saved View has no records to add, the Import Action will load the Header Row as a new Line Item into the Lists. Is there something I am doing wrong or is there something I can do to prevent this from happening?

Best Answer

  • gregory_crawfor

    I need some clarificaiton about what you mean when you say, "When the Saved View has no records to add, the Import Action will load the Header Row as a new Line Item into the Lists." I am confused about what you mean by Saved View. I have talked with some of the other Product Support Agents and we wonder if instead you meant "When the Import Process has no additional records to add." Please explain what you mean in full and we will do our best to help you achieve your desired outcome.

    Thank you,

    Greg Crawford


  • Just spent 20 minutes replying to your question only to have it not post (I probably got logged off)

    So here is the shorter but hopefully still helpful version.

    I have a LIST "Activity Owner Geography Combined" which as you guessed it is the combination of a User Name and a Geography (Mark Manno - New York, Mark Manno - Florida, Greg Crawford - California, ...)

    I have a MODULE "Activity Owner Geography Management" which has two dimensions User Name and Geography as well as three Line Items "Create?", "Already Created?", "Activity Owner Geography Text"
    • "Create?" = User Populated Boolean Flag if they want that combination of User & Geography
    • "Already Created?" = A Boolean Flag to indicate if the Combination of User & Georaphy already exists in the "Activity Owner Geography Combined" LIST
    • "Activity Owner Geography Text" = The Text that will be Imported into the "Activity Owner Geography Combined" LIST
    I have a Saved View based off of the "Activity Owner Geography Management" MODULE which is filterd on:
    • "Create?" = TRUE
    • and "Already Created?" = FALSE
    • and ISNOTBLANK("Activity Owner Geography Text")
    I have an Import Action into the "Activity Owner Geography Combined" LIST which adds the "Activity Owner Geography Text" from the "Activity Owner Geography Management" MODULE

    The Action works perfectly when there are records to be added ("Create?" = TRUE and "Already Created?" = FALSE and ISNOTBLANK("Activity Owner Geography Text"))

    However, when I run the Action and there are 0 records no new items are being created, I still get 1 new record and that record just so happens to the be Line Item Header of the field I am Importing from which in this case would be "Activity Owner Geography Text".

    So when ever I run this process and no new combinations are being created the system will add 1 new record "Activity Owner Geography Text" w
  • Hi Mark,

    We just spent some time recreating this bug. We did successfully recreate it and we are sending the results on to our Level III Support team. We did brainstorm a work-around for you; you could easily create a Delete Action that would search for an entry without a hyphen and delete that occurance. If you encounter difficulty doing this, please let me know and I will be happy to assist you through the process.

    When researching a solution for you, we were unsuccesful at finding another record of this bug. To assist Level III in resolving this issue, answers to the following questions will allow us to devise a bug patch for a future release. 

     ·     First, we ask that you submit an email to .
    ·      In that ticket, please record the Workspace, Model, Module, Dashboard where you discovered this bug.
    ·      Please also record the browser you were using when encountering the bug.
    ·      Finally, please provide us with screenshots that will help us reproduce the issue. 

    Thank you for taking the time to write us. We are always happy to serve you. Please let me us know if we can be of assistance with the work-around, or with any other issue that you encounter.

    -Greg Crawford
  • Thanks for the quick reply. I wanted to submit this as a bug; however, I didn't know the proper place to put it, which is why it ended up here.

    In the future should I just be sending an email to the or do you have a place to submit bugs?

    As suggested I have created the delete action. 

    I will send an email with the answers to the questions below.
  • Mark,

    Please send an email to and a ticket will automattically be generated for you. For the purposes of Anaplan's customer tracking, this action will really help us track the bug, contact you with the progress that we have made in resolving it, and allow us to easily get in touch with you if we require information to more completely understand the nature of the bug.  In this email, please include the following items:

    ·      Please record the Workspace, Model, Module, Dashboard where you discovered this bug.
    ·      Please also record the browser you were using when encountering the bug.
    ·      Finally, please provide us with screenshots that will help us reproduce the issue.  

    As always, thank you for your time.

    -Greg Crawford