L2 Conclusion Import Currency

I am struggling with importing the currency by country into the Country Currency LIS. I continue to get errors on Euros in that it won't import due to repeats. 


I am starting here:






I have tried Code Only, Combination of Properties (as shown), and Adjust Duplicate Names to Form Unique Names. I cannot get this list to import correctly for the next step to be able to reference it. 

Can someone provide some insight for me?




Best Answer

  • ashish.banka
    Answer ✓

    @JBeauchs If you are trying to create a hierarchy of Country with Currency, based on the data set, you need to have Currency as parent and Country as child so that under one currency you can have multiple countries. As you are trying to load Countries as parent to Currency, you are getting the error.




  • Given that there is both a code and country name for each currency, when mapping unselect "code only" and choose "name or code".