Level 1 Exam - Question 5


I dont know where i'm going wrong.....this is the formula I'm trying to use....

IF Employed? THEN Salary * 'EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role'.Bonus % [LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP: ''SYS08 Employee Details'.Role ] ELSE 0



  • @lcapon 

    So close! Try removing the double quote. So, so close.


    IF Employed? THEN Salary * 'EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role'.Bonus %[LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Role] ELSE 0


    IF Employed? THEN Salary * 'EMP03 Employee Drivers by Role'.Bonus % [LOOKUP: 'SYS08 Employee Details'.Department, LOOKUP: ''SYS08 Employee Details'.Role ] ELSE 0

  • lcapon

    Thank you for getting back to me so quickly - unfortunately I now get.....this error....

    Data type mismatch: format other than LIST or DATE being referenced as a relation

  • lcapon

    So i just realised that the newly added 'role' hadnt been setup as a list - so I have gone back and updated and reimported :-0) 



    Its working!!!

  • @lcapon 

    Bingo! Nice job. You got this!

  • Can You please tell me how

  • receving the same error


    Data type mismatch: format other than LIST or DATE being referenced as a relation

  • Carlos3k
    edited May 2023

    I am entering the correct formula and I am still getting all zeroes in my data. Can someone please help?

  • I am having similar issues on this. Can someone assist? I input those formulas and get all zeros. Is there an issue with the Roles list?

  • 1636583

    Hello @MiaKaercher

    Pls check your lookup fields are populating, those should not be blank.

  • hi there…could you clarify further i am not sure what you mean by that

  • I am using the exact same formula and still getting zeros :(

  • 1636583

    Hi you are multiplying bonus with respect to department and role from sys08 module. Hence pls check that respective fields in sys08 are having data or not?

    Also check for that combination you have salary data or not to multiply then only you will get Bonus calc no's.