Level 3 Sprint 1 - 5.2 PY Account Revenue


Hello All,


I have stuck with formula for 'PY Account Revenue' in 'TAR01 Detailed Sales Targets'.

Looks like formula:
'DAT02 PY Revenue to CY'.PY Sales Revenue[LOOKUP: 'SYS03 Account>Product Details'.'A1 Account']
is not correct, because I have incorrect numbers in Check module.


Can anyone help with correct formula for that item?







Best Answer

  • KonstantinGrishachev

    Here is correct numbers:


    The problem was formula for 'PY Country and Product Family Sales'. It should be sum by product and country. Use staging module to calculate it.


  • Misbah



    We are not supposed to provide you answers but let me just provide you the hint here:


    Check the dimensionality of your source module and target modules and see if you are missing any LOOKUPs. 

  • This is not a dimensionality problem.
    Both modules has 'A2 Account>Product#' list, 'Time' list and 'Line Items' list.

    I use LOOKUP to obtain information from Account level, but results is incorrect.


    There is no information about 'PY Account Revenue' in User story and Model Build Specifications.

    Also there is no data checks for 'PY Account Revenue'.


    As I understand 'PY Account Revenue' is sum of 'PY Actual Revenue' for specific account in 'DAT02 PY Revenue to CY' module.

  • Hey were you able to figure this out? I’m not looking for a direct answer, just perhaps a helpful hint. My dimensionality is correct for both the target and Source modules and my understanding is that this line item should produce the actual revenue for a specific account from the DAT02 Module as well. @KonstantinGrishachev 

  • @Misbah 




    I was hoping you can shed more light on the above. I’ve confirmed that the dimensionality is correct for both the source & target modules. So presumably the issue is with my LOOKUP. Currently I’m referencing A1 Accounts from the SYS03 Module. Would you mind confirming that this line item is supposed to populate the sum of actual revenue for a specific account from the DAT02 module? There is no information related to this line item in the use case. 

    Best Regards,



  • Hello Brian,

    I have no solution on this question.
    There is really no information about this line item (numbers or description).


    This certification is on hold for me until other my partners will come to this question.


  • I'm encountering this same issue.


    It's asking for the prior revenue for that account.
    So I do a look up which pulls the total revenue for that account.

    However the check model build doesn't provide enough context.

  • Has anyone been able to come up with a solution for this activity? @davidlloyddeguzman @KonstantinGrishachev @bleeds @Misbah 

  • Thanks @KonstantinGrishachev this was really helpful. 

  • Can we just reference the revenue line item from the DAT02 module since the source and target module share A2Account>Product# list? In other words, no Lookup needed