March 01- March 07 what has to be covered.


Hi @noelle_murphy ,


Were we suppose to cover The Anaplan way in the current week as there is no announcements. Please confirm if I have started the correct course from the learning center below:


And I need to connect with someone as I am not able to solve the DATA02 SKU related problem please advice.


Thanks and regards

Adarsh B.


  • @adarshbarodia 

    You can ask your question about DAT02 in this forum. We'll get you to the finish line.

    And, you have the right link to the Anaplan Way. Enjoy! Great course.

  • @JaredDolich Thank you for confirming.


    Just few minutes back I was able to solve the DATA02 SKU problem it was silly mistake in mapping time format. 


    Thanks a ton for your constant support!



    Adarsh B.

  • Hi Adarsh. You have found the right link To The Anaplan Way. 

    Can you help me understand more about your Data02 SKU Issue?


  • Toucan

    Thanks for the information keep sharing such informative post keep suggesting such post.



    official website

  • It was formating issue I was selecting D-M-Y format instead of M-D-Y. Which is why my date was not floating to all months.