Missing data in forecast version of REP03 module


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Please help. I am Missing data in the forecast version of the REP03 module and cannot figure this out. I feel like I've checked everything three times, and don't know why the data isn't populating. 


  • @bjscha02 

    It seems there is no data present in the OTH01 Non Employee Expenses Module. You will get to load Non Employee Expenses file in OTH01 Non Employee Expenses Module. You will get this file during your training course only. Follow the training guide religiously and don't skip any step.




  • Thanks for your response. I did load the data in the DATA 01 module, but it just shows data for "actual" view, however, there is a note that says "notice there is no data for the forecast version", so I feel I uploaded data correctly. 

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    Screen Shot 2021-10-23 at 3.30.53 PM.png

  • @bjscha02 

    For forecast version it picks up the data from 'OTH01 Non Employee Expenses' Module. So it should also be populated to get the values.


