NUX - cards on a board


In the NUX, how can you edit cards which are published if nothing shows up in the template library? 


Is it possible to add two cards from different boards onto a new board or do you have to rebuild all the cards?


  • @CommunityMember121771 


    You can save the card into card template library - which can be used on any Board page on a need basis



  • Thank you. Once the cards have been published how is it possible to go back and do this?

    Are cards editable once published? If yes, how are you able to edit?
  • Hi 


    'Save Card as a Template' feature is available irrespective of the card is published or not on the board. You need to edit the board and then goto to the card, click the 3-dots and you will find that option.




  • Thank you. I am an admin and a page builder but don't see the three dots on the right of the cards for any of my cards. Do you know what access I will need to do this?
  • @CommunityMember121771 


    Are you sure you have a Page Builder access? Because that is the only access that is required. Ask your tenant admin if he has given you the access.


    If you are already a page builder then Go to Page Designer mode first and then click on three dots of the card


    Hope that helps
