New UX setting to highlight all input/selection fields in yellow


Is there a setting in the New UX that shows all input/selection fields in yellow regardless of format. I want the users to see grids for inputting text and selecting within drop-down/pick lists in yellow.

Best Answers

  • JaredDolich


    Great question. You can use conditional formatting but you will need to set up a numeric line item. So, for example, lets say you wanted to highlight an editable line item as you suggest. What you could do is add a line item with the formula = 1. Then when you set up conditional formatting you'll highlight the editable field, turn on conditional formatting, and use the new line item as your filter to determine if the field should be yellow. Here's a screenshot.


  • Puneeth H P

    Hi @jbrown 


    Adding to @JaredDolich  you can always have a line item for CF and you can either hardcode it some value and have Conditional Formatting on basis of that to 'n' number of line items in that module . 
    Also sometimes on the basis of previous line items (like some actions need to be done by user) ,in this case you can put formula on basis of that action line item (ISNOTBLANK(action line item)) . By this you can avoid CF for the whole column and have CF for only used Row from users . 


    Please let me know any further things needed here . 



    Puneeth HP

    Success is the Intersection of Dreams and Hardwork!


  • This is working, we added CF status line items in each module that don't already have. Those modules that already have CF status line items now have  ifisblank formula and a large numeric  range so we can add the lightest yellow available with some added white to arrive at a light yellow that is consistent with the other grids/modules.


    Thank You so much!



  • Two points to update on this:

    1. we are attempting to get the colors consistent throughout and having trouble with pre-existing conditional format;
    2. and Field Cards do not allow any Conditional Formatting so we currently cannot have consistent yellow input fields.