Notification stopped working: Notification failed to send. Please try again



We have a notification in the new UX, with 10 recipients, and a message, and it has been working for 3 months and today it stopped.

The message 'Notification failed to send. Please try again' and no reason or idea of why?

Has anyone else suddenly got this issue, nothing in the module, the data or the mailing list has changed.





  • This might be worth raising with support but double check that the users have access to the page the notification is linking to.

  • Sent to support, as people, roles or access has not changed

  • @DeveloperCYT 

    There's been a lot of chatter on Community about a variety of cards and actions that have stopped working. One thing you might try that seems to work for people is to delete and rebuild. If it's practical to do so, you might want to give that a try. 

  • Support asked me to reduce the message to less than 100 characters, this stopped the issue, but there is no limit warning or info on that!

  • Hi All.

    Thanks for flagging this - we have a development team currently pushing through a fix for this which will extend the 100 character limit and we'll be releasing this as soon as possible. We'll also work on some improved UI for the builder and hope to get this change out shortly after.

    All the best.
