Numbered Lists import


Hi, I am trying to import transaction data into a module. To represent each individual transaction, I want to use a numbered list. Also, since there are many transactions in the csv, I want Anaplan to automatically identify and create the required no. of transactions in the numbered list. How can I import and create this form of automated list? My csv doesn't have a unique identifier column and has duplicates which I want to place as separate items on the numbered list.

Best Answer

  • PrevContributor
    Hi Shreyak,

    You should be able to do this without any changes to the import by setting the import unique identifier as Combination of Properties where you identify a set of columns that combined will become your unique identifier.  When it comes to Transactions we typically see a good combination of unique properties to be any of the following: Transaction Date + Customer Name/ID + Product + Transaction Amount.

    It is important that your load to the Numbered List ONLY include the Code.  Then run a second import of the actual data into your module, so this would be 2 loads, ideally run through a Process.

    Let me know if you'd like more details, hope this helps!

    -Chris Weiss


  • Hi Shreyank if the size is not an issue we have an option:

    1) Create Counter list list with the number of rows and list item name being 1,2,3 so on
    2) Have these numbers in each row of the csv and map it

    If size is an issue then we can just have a module with multiple line items all list formatted and then the counter list and then import accordingly, then you can use sum funciton and make the reporting modules accordingly
  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I was able to create the numbered list and import the transactions in the list using the 'Combination of Properties'. However, when I go to the module where I want to do the second import of the transaction data, I am unable to map the data based on the 'Combination of properties'. I am able to select one of the columns to import but since the values in a single column can be ambiguous I am unable to do the import to the module.

    Do you know a workaround for this problem with the import to the module?
  • Hi Shreyak,

    Good point, sorry I didn't provide more context around that.  You have a few options at this point, glad you were able to get the original List import to work though:

    Add a unique identifier to your original source file (depending on the source system though this is usually not a realistic request),
    After importing your List items, you can extract them back to Excel, and merge your it into your original file, which will provide the CODE to your original source file for use in your Module import, or
    You can just import all the attributes of the source file into the List as List Properties, which is typically not recommended for performance issues but in this case you may not have any other options.
    Hope that helps, let me know if you'd like more details!

    -Chris Weiss