Optimizer Timed Out Error




I am using optizer to decide for each station(or Site) who is the best supplier & terminal for supplying product  based on minimum sourcing cost.

Input variables: Site Demand Volume, Each supplier and terminal sourcing cost.

Output variables: Site Demand volume(will be decided by optimizer)

Objective: Optimized cost ( Formula: Optimizer output demand volume * Each supplier and terminal sourcing cost input variable)

Constraint: Output variable Site demand volume = Input variable Site demand volume.


Scenario 1: 

Input variable line item:  Each supplier and terminal sourcing cost is getting value from another module based on following formula: Station purchase unit cost per terminal.'Total unit cost, $/gallon'[LOOKUP: 'Site/Terminal Cost Lookup'] and this formula returns some zero values as well if a supplier does not provide any sourcing cost at  specific terminals.

In this scenario if i run the optimizer it is completing in 12 minutes and deciding who is the best supplier & terminal by assigning demand volume for each site. Unfortunately it is always deciding one terminal and supplier  which is having zero cost.(In reality supplier has not provided any cost here). and it is not correct to decide to like that.


Scenario 2:

To skip or ignore these zero cost suppliers & Terminals i have modified  the formula on input variable line item: Each supplier and terminal sourcing cost  as below: It will assign 99999 value if there is not cost or zero cost  from a supplier. It it is very huge value when compared to actual sourcing cost(Usually < 2 dollars)

      Station purchase unit cost per terminal.'Total unit cost, $/gallon'[LOOKUP: 'Site/Terminal Cost Lookup'] =0
     Station purchase unit cost per terminal.'Total unit cost, $/gallon'[LOOKUP: 'Site/Terminal Cost Lookup']


In This scenario when i am running optimizer i am getting timed out error. I have tried with 1 hour time set on optimizer but still same error it is giving.


Please find attached  time out error and also optimizer action screen shot.


I am stuck on how to deal with it now . I hope someone can help me on it. Please let me know if you need more details on it. Thanks!.




