Restrict the hierarchy levels in page selector

Hi - I have a hierarchy with, say, 3 levels - level 3 being the child. I have a module with level 3 as one of my dimension. For some valid reasons, I want to restrict in the page selector of this module not to be able to navigate to the upper level in the hierarchy of level 3 list- can that be done?


Regards - Guru



Best Answer

  • JaredDolich
    Answer ✓


    Great question. 

    Not that intuitively I'm afraid. 

    There is a suggestion made by @DavidSmith in this post to create a separate dashboard to filter down the lists. Make sure to read @kavinkumar response right after David's. You'll need the Boolean Filter.

    Alternatively, you can always use the search if you have large lists.


    As a last resort you can create a system module (1 dimensional model) that contains just the level 3 list. Create a Boolean line item and set it to TRUE. Create another line item formatted as a list of the level 3 list. Create a saved view that only contains the level 3 and set the dimension width to 6 pixels. Save the view to the dashboard. This, of course, is not a selector but a list. You can click on any of the list members and it will sync with the rest of the dasbhoard.


    Structured List with 3 Levels:


    Create Boolean



    Create Filter and Saved View



    Saved View



    Add to Dashboard. Click in gray area to sync the dashboard.






  • Hi @GuruAP 

    There are 2 ways you can achieve this - aside from using Select Levels to Show.
    It will depend on the complete business case and the flexibility you need.
    The first 

    1. Add a boolean line item, leave the summary as NONE and set the value to true
    2. Filter where line item = True.

    Only the lowest level will have TRUE value since there is no aggregation to parents.

    Before applying the Filter


    After applying the filter 


    If you want the list to be as a page selector, just pivot after you filter



    The second method is more flexible and allows you to filter at any level of the hierarchy

  • Hi @JaredDolich, thanks for your comment. 


    I'm facing a similar issue but in my case I would like just to hide the "All Products" only (top level in your example) but to show all the hierarchies below. Is this possible? 


    Thanks in advance!