Row Height and Image Display in a Line Item


Finally the wait is over and we have these two features available in Anaplan New UX. This can be seen in Grid Card.



Row Height - Four Variants, Standard(Default), Medium, Large and Extra Large

Select Line item to Display as Image- By default it will be unchecked and this line item has to be Text->Link Formatted. See below



@JaredDolich I could see it today



  • @Misbah 

    I give you three guesses what I'll be playing around with today!!

  • Misbah



    Word Wrap & Image link

    Word Wrap & Image link

    Word Wrap & Image link

  • Thanks for the information @Misbah! I will have to try this out in my playground.

    Question: in your opinion, what kinds of use cases would this feature be best used for? 

  • I knew either yourself or @JaredDolich would've posted something here... surprised that there hasn't been the "official" notification. Although I guess that's what we're here to do... 😉

    @DaanishSoomar - for me we've got a table where one of the items is a quite long list item, having that column "wrapped" is very helpful as you don't need to faff about too much with column widths.

  • Oh I see @andrewtye! That’s awesome, seems like a great user experience value add! 


    I am going to play around with it. 

  • Misbah

    @DaanishSoomar  Row Height will help us in Auto Sizing everything in one click. We don't have to manually do it anymore.

    SKU Imaging is my favorite use case for the Image Display functionality - it will be more useful in Supply Chain Use Cases and Retail ones.



  • Misbah



    Its my Pleasure to get it out there. Since I am ahead of @JaredDolich time zone I did it, otherwise I am sure he would have done it as you have already understood it by now.


    Well it was supposed to be released after last weekend's release window ( for which the intimation was already made)  but we couldn't find it until Tuesday. 

  • Yash1

    Thanks @Misbah for sharing this.

    I also found a link which gives a little demo -




  • Misbah



    Thank you. That is even better as Pictures/Videos can speak louder than words

  • This is great!


    One question: Is there a way to enforce it to obey new line characters?


    I have new line characters that format correctly when I've clicked into the box (like photo'd). Or if it is a field.

    I want it to show up like the photo on the left. Currently it appears like the photo on the right. Is there any way to fix this?

