Running a process results in The uploaded file is no longer available; please upload the file again

Hello, I am trying to run a process by ID after I upload a file via API. I get the error "The uploaded file is no longer available; please upload the file again" The file uploads and there are no issues, I can see the data in the console.


When I upload the file via API, I see the file is set to "This file is not shared with other users". When I upload the file from the console, I've tried to set permissions to Everyone or Admin, I've tried both for the file, but I cannot run a process that uses the file, even from the admin UI


Running the process from a dashboard where I can upload the file directly works.


Lastly, I've set Production data to checked.


My question is, how can I upload a file via API and then run a process that has actions that use that new file?


  • It sounds like it should work, so let's check one or two things. Can you run an import (rather than a process containing the import) from the file using the API, and does that give the same result? Are you uploading the file and running the action as the same user, and against the same model?


    Note that the permissions/sharing options are one-off operations for that upload rather than for the file in general.