
Hi All,


Just wanted to clear some doubts on usage of SUM & LOOKUP at the same time for same line item




If I use SUM & LOOKUP both at the same time for the same line item, its giving me correct details as expected


However, if, don't want to use SUM & LOOKUP at the same time, then what can be the options -

  • I tried with subsidiary views & it worked as well
  • If I want to break this equation into SUM & LOOKUP separately, its not working. I tried creating an  intermediary module with same dimension, however its still showing as error

Any idea where have I gone wrong




Best Answer

  • rob_marshall



    In another module, dimensionalized by Region, do your cost sum.  Then, if you need the totals for that region, you can do lookups using a list formatted line item (Region).




  • @ geometry dash lite

    I think you should create separate modules for the SUM and LOOKUP calculations. In one module, use the LOOKUP function to retrieve the necessary data, and in another module, use the SUM function to perform the desired calculations. Ensure that the dimensions and relationships between modules are set up correctly for accurate results.