Section 13 : Sub-Region Quota - Activity check clarification


Hello All, I have completed building the Activity #18 – Sub-region Quota Module and the numbers are not matching for the Activity check. You will notice that the number are not populating for Rep Quota Rollup and Sub-region Quota between Jan 15th and Sep 15th ( I am not sure if the other numbers that are show are correct.) The 2rd screen shot has the formulas. The 3rd screen shot is from the module Rep Quota, which actuall is the cause of this problem. The 4th screen shot has the formulas for the Rep Quota module. Hope I attached all the pertinent information, Would really appreciate comments on what corrections that I should make. imageimageimageimage Thanks, Anjum



  • Hi Anjum

    This would be very tough to answer and only those who are currently doing the course should be able to answer,

    could you please share the view at a rep level than at a region level so that we could see the results of all values,

    Further am not sure if your headcount formula is logical as you are trying to define it on quota please check that (I might be wrong as I have no idea on the purpose of the module.
  • Hello Harish,

    Thanks for your reply. I did look up this issues and found a thread where it was recommended to removed the switchover date from Version. 
    The Issue with the Rep Quota modue as the data for the line items Region and Role are not populating.I did send out an email to the enablers, Hope to get their reply soon and I will post their comments.

    Your are correct on the headcount formula : IF Active? = TRUE THEN 1 ELSE 0, i had selected the wrong line item.

  • Hi Anjum

    For Region and Role do a F8 in the results cell and see the details they might help.

    Further check if you have updated all the properties and hierarchies correctly in the Region list as required for the training.
  • Hi Harish,

    I had writted to the Enablers and they came back with the solution that some of the students are having similar problmes and the issue is with the VERSION, so they asked me to remove the Switchover date and re-load all the data.
    I will update the results once done.

    Appreciate your comments.

    Many Thanks,