Show the current/logged in user in a single line item


Hi Community,

I'm looking for a solution to show the current/logged in user in a single line item that has no dimensionality.


The use case for which I'm looking for a solution is a dynamic filter based on the logged in user + to calculate totals based on this filter. More specifically, I have a mapping table dimensioned as cost centers and Fake users (a mimic of the native user list mapped to the native list), and a boolean formatted line item where you can map to each users of which cost centers you want to give access to.

Then I'd like to have an other boolean formatted line item (maybe a separate module) where only cost centers list is the dimension, and I would like to set up the value of this line item with a lookup from the aforementioned mapping table (deriving the fake user from the logged in user single line item used as lookup criteria).


  • @zsitvayb ,


    If you already have the Fake Users, simply enable selective access on that so your users only have access to their "fake" user member, write access.  On the 2nd part of your question, I don't believe you need to do a lookup, but rather dimension the Cost Center module with Fake Users.


    Here is an example, please let me know if you have other questions.


    Fake Users with Selective Access:



    List dimensionalized by Fake User



    Old UX dashboard:



    Again, let me know if you have additional questions.




  • @rob_marshall 

    Thanks, using the selective access by this way was a bit new to me. However, I don't think it solves my issue, because I think I can do the same with the native users.

    I'd like to avoid to add users (either native or fake) to my main module (for which I need this filter), because it already has as dimensions cost centers, cost elements, type of measures (list with 6 elements) + some 15 line items (yes, unfortunately, all necessary)'s already around 40million cells, so if I add to this module the users as dimension, then our workspace will explode. And since I want to make calculations in the line items based on this filter, I think I might need to dimension all line items by users as well.

    That' why the only thing I need in this module is a boolean filter line item, which has true value for those cost centers that were previously selected for the given user = the current user who is logged in.


    But could be that I miss something, I tried to solve it all day long, so my brain is somewhat around 10% of its normal capacity. 🙂

  • @zsitvayb ,


    So I used Fake Users in my example as I was actually summing data for what that user picked (which DQ, which Cost Center, etc.) and when using a sum, you have to have a Top Level member which Users does not.  You are correct in that adding users to this, it could explode your module, but let's see if we can around that.  So, the only thing the user is picking is Cost Centers, and then you are doing calcs based off of that, correct?



  • @rob_marshall 

    Practicaly, yes.

    But to be more precised:

    I have a module applies to cost centers, measures (the list I was referring to earlier with some 6 elements), user. In this module I want to set up as an administrator that which user can have access to which cost center-measure combination. That's the easiest part.

    Then I have my other module, which is the reporting module, where I have cost centers, cost elements, measures, and my line items that include the data I want to present. But I want to show only those lines/combinations for users which I allowed them in the first module, but that's still easy, because I can put a filter on it...however by doing this the summary levels of cost centers will show false data because there the user will see the sum of all underlying cost centers, and not only the totals that are allowed to them to consult.

    My idea was to put a boolean formatted line item to this module which dinamicaly changes it's values based on the current user, thus I can use it to rewrite my reporting line items ie.: if that given combination is allowed for that user then it shows the value else it's at the end in the subtotals it sum up only the amounts that are allowed for the user to consult.


    To make it simple, let's put away the 'measures' dimension, let's have only cost centers. I have cost centers A, B, C, D, E with a summary level, where the total is normally A+B+C+D+E. I have user1, who have access only to cost center A, B, so I want to show him as total A+B, then user2 having access to cost center A, C, D, so for him the total should show A+C+D. Of course in reality the cost center list has 6 hierarchy levels, so it's more complex than in my simplified example. 

  • @zsitvayb ,


    So a very simple way of looking at this is the below.  I will tell you, I tried the Users list and when I tried to get the data, I got the dreaded



    because Users doesn't have a top level.  So, when using Fake Users, I did get the below:


    Transactional Data module:



    Mapping Module:



    Reporting module:





    Using this filter:





  • @rob_marshall 

    Yes, it's a solution, I got already to this solution, but...

    I guess you still use your (fake)user list in the 'apply to' of your report module, and I think the same applies to your 'Data' line item. So, that's good for a 'small' module, but don't forget, I have 15 lineitems, and cost element list + measures list, so my module is already counts 40million cells, which is huge in our environment. So, let's assume I only have 4 users, then it's already 160million cells, and I have more than 4 users who would use the module.

  • @zsitvayb 


    Exactly correct.  So, is this strictly a reporting module or will users be able to enter data as well?  Secondly, the "source" data that you are pulling, what if you have a line item that is dimensionalized by cost element list + measures list + cost center + user just to get that data and the other 15 line items are subsidiary views not using User?  This will work depending on what the other lines items are doing/rendering.  Are they using the results from Cost Center + measures list (btw, what is this list - Periodic, QTD, and YTD?) + cost elements and doing something else?

