Sort List for Page Selector

Hi team,


Is there a way that I can display a list in the Page selector based on the sorted order from another module? I have a Customer List that I am using as a Page Selector in 1 module and wish the List to be sorted from Highest to lowest revenue gap (it's a query to a employee) which I have created in another module






  • HI @MarkTurkenburg,

    We don't have such options but you can try similar workaround.

    Step 1: Bring in the Revenue gap value into your destination module dimension by 'Customer List'.

    Step 2: Pivot the module to have the Customer list in rows then apply Sort based on Revenue gap.

    Step 3: After applying sort, pivot the Customer list back to page selector and publish the gird to dashboard.Hence in this way you can probably sort items in page selectors. 

    I hope this helps!

  • Hi Kavin,


    I tried this but when you pivot the dimensions to put the Customer List in Pages it resorts the Customer list back to the original format (see warning that Anaplan provides below)


    Have I not understood your solution?








  • HI @MarkTurkenburg,

    Ignore the pop up warning message. You will still be able to see the sort applied on the list items when you do the pivot to page selectors. Sample screenshots attached.



     Publish the same grid to the dashboard! I hope this helps.

