Specific Messages/Instructions for Different Planners


I want to publish messages to specific parts of the organisation following a senior management review, for instance the regional manager would ask one of the factory managers to "increase production by 10% in Q4"


Best Answers

  • stuart_bradford
    Create a commentary module containing 1 text formatted line item for commentary, and the list that holds the factory/region hierarchy. Then publish the commentary line item to the regional director and factory manager dashboards. The regional manager would enter instructions in the Regional Dashboard to be cascaded to each factory manager based on their Selective Access rights granted on the factory/region list – see below
  • stuart_bradford
    You can also make the commentary module read only for the factory manager user role so they cannot edit their managers instructions/comments - see below
    You can also use multiple lists in the Commentary module to increase the granularity of the instructions - eg add Cost Category and Factory lists so that specific cost owners in specific factories receive the relevent instructions