Suggestions on how to re-model a module


I currently have a Debt Reporting module in Anaplan which is built on the list P6 Bank Loans.  
How it flows is P3 Products > P4 Fund Entities > P6 Bank Loans.


So within certain products, there may be several bank loans under the same facility.  What would be the best way to report under Facility, rather than Bank Loans?


I have tried to create a new Facility List, and attach a facility number to each P6 Loan.  In my new 'Output' module, I have it dimensioned by Facility List and P3 Products and tried to lookup/sum on the underlying data but it's coming up as nil (Drill down unavailable for this cell: No other data cells are referenced by this calculation.)  Any help is appreciated!


  • @CommunityMember113484  on an Output module with the lists P3 Product and Facility it should definitely work the SUM from the source module using the Facility as summary criteria.


    Maybe you can share all the dimensionality of your modules: Source and Target and what formula you are trying to use. 


    Below is a simplified example with 3 levels:

    Relationship between P3 Products and Facility in a system module:



    Data values at P3 Product level (Source Module)


    Output module at P1 Funds - Facility Level using SUM by Facility. 




    Hope it helps
