TEXTLIST as aggregation function, but only display unique




Is there a way to get the TEXTLIST function, when used in the aggregation format, to only display unique entries?


I have the formula working in my model, but it is displaying every entry under the parent, rather than unique entries.  I know that the normal TEXTLIST function has a "UNIQUE" option.






  • Hi Matthew,


    I'm using the example from Anapedia on Textlist:



    There are 3 modules (Source Customers, and Customer Summary are found in the link above)

    1. Source Customers, with list of Transaction, line item of Product (format Text), Customers (format List: Customer)


    2. Source Customers Cube, with list of Transaction, Customers, and line item of Product Text (format Text)

    Formula of Product Text = Source Customers.Product Text[FIRSTNONBLANK: Source Customers.Customers]


    3. Customer Summary, with list of Customer, and line item of Textlist Products (format Text)

    Formula of Textlist Products = TEXTLIST(Source Customer Cube.Product Text, ",", Transaction, UNIQUE)

    Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 3.40.56 PM.pngThanks,
