Users as a Page Selector in UX Not Synchronizing with Actual User


Hello - I have noticed many times will working in the UX that the User dimension is not synchronizing with the User on the page.

Has anyone seen something similar where Users will not update and recognize the User in the UX Page? Is this a limited piece of functionality in NUX?




Shea Baker 

Best Answer

  • Johnklagholz

    Hi Shea,


    I have had similar issues with the User dimension opening out of sync on pages in the NUX and found a workaround using module settings. Do users need to see each others' work? If not, you could try turning off the 'Show All Users' module setting. Turning this setting off restricts users' access to the module and allows them only to see their respective data.


    Screenshot 2020-10-23 105526.png





  • Hi Shea,

    Not at all, context selectors always synchronize in New UX.
    Has the card by any change disabled sync with page? Check this option on the cards that are not syncing




  • Hi Anirudh - The issue is not that the grid in the Page isn't synchronizing, it's that the User dimension on the Page itself isn't synchronizing to whomever is interacting with the Page.


    Shea Baker

  • Hi John - This solution worked perfectly. Thank you for your insight!

    Shea Baker