Where to put the END() Formula/Trying to get a formula to retrieve the end of the month total




I'm trying to get a formula to retrieve the end of the month total of the line item. I know I need to use the END() function but not sure where to put it in my formula. my formula is below. Thank you 

IF 'S01 Time Filter'.Allocate to new line item? THEN MIN('Barrowing Base (payment for prior day loans)' + Cash Collected + '(Cash Sweep to Wells)' + 'BALANCING FIGURE FOR x5000' + 'Interest Acct (x1001)' + '(Cash Sweep to Wells)' - Payments on Securitization + 'Collection Acct (x1000)', 'Barrowing Base (payment for prior day loans)' + Cash Collected + '(Cash Sweep to Wells)' + 'BALANCING FIGURE FOR x5000') ELSE 0


  • Hi @neg177 

    Presume that your module is day dimensioned? If so in the module that has the output you'll need to do a lookup against your other module so it's something like Line Item[Lookup: date] where date is either end() of time dimension or end(Period) where period is a time formatted line item

    You could always put the summary settings to closing balance which would I think give you much the same answer...

    Hope that helps!

  • @neg177 


    First, I would create a new line item that is summing those line items up so it is not doing the sum in the IF statement.  Then, I would use the function MonthValue (link)