filter by month


i have this type of table

timeapr1apr2ap3aprmay1・・・all period
filter by allperiod
filter by month  


if i use filter by allperiod = lineitem1[select:time.all periods],

i catch all data like not only apr data but also may date .

i want only apr data by day 


i want to catch lineitem>0 only and aprs alldata 

after filtering





  • can you explain your question more clearly

  • @CommunityMember125605 


    If you got your query correctly,


    Create a System Module - Dimensioned by Time only and Create a Boolean Line Item and keep its summary as "All"


    And define your logic for April month or any month that you want to consider. 

    Once you have Boolean for your April Month then you pull values based on the above boolean line item.


    Once again if you feel that is not the requirement, kindly elaborate and paste a small excel mock up in the attachments.




  • @CommunityMember125605 

    If you want to include the detailed members that are checked AND the Total, then set the summary option for the line item (to be used as a filter) to ANY.
