images show on Windows but not on iMac



Just a frustration, we have a dashboard and it has links to images, that are stored in our Sharepoint directory.

On the windows laptops all good, perfect images, however on the iMac nothing appears.

We have links to the images too, and these work on both platforms, so the link is there and working.

Guessing there is a quirk on iMac platform that stops them appearing.....


anyone else come across this?






  • Hi @DeveloperCYT 


    Thanks for posting your problem.

    I haven't experienced this before but my thoughts are since sharepoint is a microsoft product it may not work so well with a mac for image hosting (just a thought and could be wrong).

    I would initially test another image hosting solution such as (very safe one to use).

    Then use this link to test and see if you experience the same issue in both mac and pc. 

    As I would believe this is hosting issue and not an anaplan issue. 

    Would be interesting to see the results. 


    Also which web browser are you using to do this test?


    I hope this helps!





  • When you save images to imgur, they do not have a suffix, so will not work on an Anaplan image. Must be .jpg, .png, .jpeg or .gif

    It's not the end of the world, as all users have windows, but i have a 23 inch iMac and would be nice to use for development.



  • Hi @DeveloperCYT 


    You can get images with a suffix: 

    1. on the top menu under your username go to images

    2. Then select the image by clicking on it which opens an inpage window.

    3. Then copy the direct link which will be a .png or .jpeg


    If you have any difficulty I can provide screenshots.







  • @usman.zia Do you know how long imgur will save the image? Is there a time limit that you know of?

  • @JaredDolich 


    Unfortunately Imgur only keep images that receive 1 view every six months if they are public images. 





  • @usman.zia - thank you! good to know.