import action not grabbing latest data file


I have an import action for importing data into a module.  I've created a process for this action and a button for the process published to a dashboard.


When i click the button....sometimes I have to select the file to upload and sometimes I don't.  The data in the flat file has changed but I don't see that reflected in the module unless the action "ask" for which file to use.  When it does not ask, I'm getting the same old data.


I'm missing something and with multiple tries I cannot figure out how to make the action always give me the chance to browse and select a file.


I'd appreciate any help on I need to turn this over to the end user and I can't have them reloading the same old data...over and over.





Best Answer

  • rob_marshall
    Answer ✓

    @debbie5154 ,


    I would look into the file "permissions" when the file was originally uploaded, was it set to Everyone, Admins Only, or Private?  I believe the reason you are getting the different actions (uploading a file vs. not being prompted) is because you are the admin of the model and have access to files that have already been uploaded.  An end user does not have this option, so it should always prompt them to load a new file.




  • You are correct that I needed to sign in as a user and it works as I expected it to.

    Thanks so much for the quick and accurate response.