level 1 exam activity 4


Can you help me on this? I have imported data correctly and formulas also not giving error but I cannot see data in EMP02 module under bonus, car cost, medical costs and phone costs. Hoping to get response at earliest.


  • @ShreyaR 


    Please review your blueprint as to why data is not rendering.  Here is a hint, look at your summaries






  • @rob_marshall 

    Do I have to select formula in the summary column instead of none?

  • @ShreyaR 


    Not necessarily, but it gives you a clue.  The summary is set to None but you are looking at the member of Finance which is a summary member.  Change the point of focus (the member) to be a detailed member (or bottom level).



  • Sorry but I didn't get it.
  • @ShreyaR 


    Change the point of view of what you are looking at to a detailed member, not a summary view (Finance).

