How do I do a daily switchover?


I know that in the versions section of Settings, I set a switchover date which has a 'month' default. But, what if I want to do a switchover in amodule by day? In other words, if I roll forward a day, how do I get my forecast version to display actual and forecast for the year, by day, up to the switchover?


Best Answer

  • simon_tucker
    This is also in the [Model Library] under 'Daily Switchover'.

    We have 2 lists,[list=1]
    Sales Reps, (this is composite with Org)
    We have 3 modules set up;[list=1]
    Rep Bookings, (Reps x Daily timescale, (the default MODEL is set up for Months, but at the MODULE blueprint level I set the timescale to day)
    Daily Switchover, (Switchover, (Boolean flag) x Daily timescale) - this is where we will specify the switchover DAY
    Summary Bookings, (Org x Daily Timescales x Bookings)
    Now I specify where I want ACTUAL bookings to flow into the FORECAST version in [Summary Bookings] in [Daily Switchover]

    In the [Summary Bookings] module, I now enter the following syntax to complete the formula;

    IF Daily Switchover.Switchover THEN Rep Bookings.Bookings[SELECT: VERSIONS.Actual] ELSE Rep Bookings.Bookings[SELECT: VERSIONS.Forecast]

    And there you have it! A daily switchover.