1.02-02 Do not use formulas in the version settings


Whilst this is a simple construct and it might be OK for simple models; it effectively adds size to models every time versions are used in a module even if you don't want the variance. Also, in modules with 3 or more dimensions if you have calculation line items and aggregations the results may not always be give the expected result due to different calculation priorities.  Finally, you cannot amend the summary method for a version formula within the versions setting



  • Rule 1.02-02 Do not use formulas in the version settings. Whilst this is a simple construct and it might be OK for simple models; it effectively adds size to models every time versions are used in a module even if you don't want the variance. Also, in modules with 3 or more dimensions if you have calculation line items and aggregations the results may not always be accurate; you cannot amend the summary method for a version formula within the versions setting. It goes against PERFORMANCE elements of PLANS if you wish to go against this rule

    Use Case: To see the variance between Actuals and Forecast Numbers

    Here is how it was done in Pre Planual Era. We used to add third version called Variance in the Version Page of the model and write the formula within the formula bar


    What is wrong with this method? Although it is the easiest way of calculating the variance but it is definitely NOT the best way.  Problem with this approach is that every time you use version as a dimension Variance will be accompanied with other versions even if you don’t want to see that Version ( Anaplan doesn’t have Version Subsets). Also each version is treated as a separate block and is not equal to any list item addition which increased the size drastically.

    Here is how it should be done in Planual Way: There are many ways to calculate the variance between two versions. Here is one such way where I am using only Two Native Dimensions i.e., Actual and Forecast

    Create a Target module without Versions as a dimension and bring the Actual & Forecast Values into their respective Line items. You can use SELECT Statements to pull the values.


    Calculate the delta between the two.
