Profile Function - Pulling apart the components of an aggregated sum


I am trying to pull apart the components of a profile function so I can understand the impact of a certain period.


Example - I have a ratable revenue recognition treatment for my bookings and I would like to understand the impact of Q1's bookings in Q4. By the time we get to Q4 we have now layered on Q2 - Q4.


Is there a way to isolate the impact of Q1 on Q4?


There certainly are ways of doing this by adding lots and lots of rows, but wanted to see if there was a more simple way of isolating 

Best Answer

  • DavidSmith
    Answer ✓


    Like any predefined function, if you want to break out the components of it, you would need to have additional line items and logic.  In this case, you could create line items referencing the months and their associated future Month% allocations.  It would be a rather involved formula and/or a number of line items.  The reason for the formula is so that you don't need to.

    Hope this helps



  • Thanks David. I have already done so, but (as you said) it required a large volume of line items. I was hoping to escape that option, but it sounds like that is the only route at the moment.