Do model builders need to complete the certification update?

I just want to build models, not lead projects. Do I still have to complete the certification update?


  • Anaplan requires all billable resources to complete the entire certfication suite in order to bill on projects. Those formerly recognized as Model Builders (based upon completion of 299: Anaplan Partner Certification) should complete both model design course and case study, and The Anaplan Way course, to continue to be eligible for billable work.

  • Any new model builder will be required to complete 102 - Foundation, 201 - Intermediate, 299 - Case Study and 402 - The Anaplan Way.

    Model builders who were previously in the Anaplan eco-system, with projects / time under there belts were not required to complete 299 and were 'grandfathered' as certified model builders, with the understanding that they complete 402 - The Anaplan Way by 1st August 2018.