Importing data level 1 lesson 7.2.1


I have mistakenly imported the data file more than once. How can I reverse the problem or do I have to delete the module and recreate it. 
Thank you for any help. 



  • You can restore the model back to an earlier version before the 2nd time you imported the data file. Or even before you imported the 1st file. To do this perform the following: 

    1. Select History (left bottom logo highlighted below). Then click on "Show History" button. I'm assuming it hasn't been a day yet since you did this so keeping the selection "Last 24 Hours" should be fine. 



    2. Select the ID related to the data load (left highlighted in yellow). Then click on the button "Restore to ID" (right bottom of screenshot). This will then restore your model to the point in time you've selected. 
