Level 1 Lesson 6 - 6.6.5 Activity: Add Formulas to Time Settings by Year Module




Can anyone help me with below? I don't have FY20 and FY21 checked (see below), however, the example has them checked





  • Hi 

    Can you help to show a screenshot of your SYS00 module? Especially the Forecast Period? line item you are referring to in your formula shown?



  • Sure, see below



  • Hi


    It is due to the difference in time buckets between these two modules.

    SYS00: Month based

    SYS01: Year based


    If you go to blueprint view of your SYS00 --> check summary method of Forecast Period? --> by default it is None for boolean formatted line items which is why in your SYS01, you didn't get any value --> depending on how you would like to judge a year is a forecast year, you can change the summary method to All/Any/Formula. Then in your SYS01 module you will get your defined summary boolean value

    Screenshot 2021-06-16 at 11.21.14 AM.png

  • Thank you!

  • Hi, I tried to fix this problem the way you have mentioned but it is still not giving the same response like the solution. Please help me recognize the fault.

  • adham1103
    edited January 2023

  • danbu

    I had the same issue but it was solved by changing the formula type to "any".