level 1 exam - model building activity 2


Question: In the Level 1 model, update the REV02 Volume Inputs Module to include a formula to pull data from the DATA02 SKU Volumes module


When I enter the formula: 'DATA02 SKU Volumes'.Volumes , all my data in the REV02 Volume Inputs module erases and becomes zero. Also in the REV03 Margin Calculation Module. I have set the P3 parent hierarchy the P2 list also. Any help on what I'm doing wrong?



  • @jcalderon 

    Please check in Module DATA02 SKU Volumes'.Volumes, if summary for line item 'Volumes' is On. It should be 'Sum' for both Summary and Time Summary since we want data at 'P2 Product' Level. Once Summary is ON, data will automatically rollup to 'P2 Product' from 'P3 Product SKU'.

  • When I tried to on the summary, it says not a valid summary line item because it’s formula is not a simple sum. I have used the formula:
    ‘DATA02 SKU Volumes’.Volume

    Could you help me on what is the error please?
  • Hi,

    I tried the formula of: 

    'DATA02 SKU Volumes'.Volumes
    but I got this error message and don't know what to do.
    can someone please help me?
