Personalization and subscription management
To follow a particular section of Community, first log in, and then visit each section you want to follow. For any section to which you can subscribe, you’ll see a bell notification with options to: Add the content to your homepage feed Add the content to your home page feed PLUS receive notifications in Community when new…
How to use tags
Tags help to categorize Community content and make it easier to find. For example, if 15 users tag their content with “Data Integration” then all 15 pieces of content can be viewed simply by clicking the “Data Integration” tag. The same tags are available throughout Community, and so you’ll see all content with that tag…
How to get help or support in Community
If you need help using Community or would like to share any feedback with our team, please visit Forums > Anaplan Platform Discussions > Community Feedback. When you contribute to this board, not only is the Community team is alerted but other members can see your post and respond as well. This helps us get an idea of how…
Bookmarking content
While you can subscribe to entire categories within Community and receive updates when newposts or comments are added to it, there are times when you’ll want to save the link to one particular thread; for example, a discussion post you find interesting, or an idea for a product improvement that you support. To follow an…