Global search/navigation - I want an easy way to find objects and data points as admin/end user
Description: Implement a global search across all modules/line items in the model. Please consider including the following: * In other software, there is a smart search feature when looking for a class, where I can type a couple of letters in upper case and it will match on words that begin with those letters. So the…
PREVIOUSITEM() formula which is like PREVIOUS() but references a list item instead of time
Hi Anaplan, I was searching for the use of the PREVIOUS function but on a list item but it is not currently possible. @peter_mcanena has suggested this but only in a discussion thread. So as his idea suggests: PREVIOUSITEM(x, y) where * x: Any expression * y: List The expression x must be based on the list y.…
Timescale - Working days
I really miss the possibility to select Working days as a timescale not only days. I would like to have the possibility to use all of the "time formulas" that is only to be used when you have a timescale. We do our Supply planning on a daily basis but we only works working days the weekends are closed. what we had to to…
Pivoting with more than 3 rows
Description of the enhancement required: Need to be able to pivot more than 3 rows How would it help their business process: Reporting many cases of views needed with multiple dimensions with more than 3 lists in rows. Most recent case 1) A module with many dimensions 2) Need to be imported to a flat list 3) Filtering…
Dependent dropdown list with Time Period
It would be great if I could create dependent dropdown lists with Time Period type. E.g. I have 2 line items with FY and HY types. And when I've selected FY18 in the first one, the second dropdown allows to select only H1 FY8 and H2 FY18, excluding items from other years
FEATURE REQUEST: Universal List that can be used in all Models
Currently, the process to use same list across different models is a complicated process of importing lists from one model to another. If Anaplan really plans to be the a Connected Planning tool, they should have a feature of having a Universal List that can be used across all models without doing import. I am proposing…
Hold and Release functionality
It would be great to have "Hold and Release" functionality extended to NUX as well. Break back seems to be working fine with NUX but sad to see missing hold and release functionality. Hope this feature will be added soon. Thanks, Sandeep
Allow for line item subset to be more than just number formatted
Description of the enhancement required: Line Item Subsets are often used to build filter modules, as an alternative to using the Show/Hide functionality. Using a Boolean against a Line Item Subset on a filter module makes it very easy to select which columns should be shown or hidden on a dashboard. An example of the…
Add a Parent to a Line Item Subset
It would be nice to be able to add a Parent list/hierarchy to a Line Item Subset.
When deleting a formula from a module I would like the data in the module to also be deleted.
When deleting a formula from a module I would like the data to also be deleted/removed from the module. I realise the data can be removed manually by selecting the data in the module and pressing delete, but in a module with many thousands this is a time consuming process, particularly as Anaplan only allows deletion of…
Include Process Within a Process
Description of the enhancement requiredAbility to create nested processes (i.e., process within a process).An example of the enhancement:A separate process to import a saved view to separate lists that can be combined into one overall process that can be run by the end-user (one click to run multiple processes)A story for…
Conditional Formatting on Line Items based on values from other modules with same dimensions
Hi, It would be great if it was possible to format line items based on line items from other modules with the same dimension without having to bring in that line item into the same module. Thanks, Usman
Search bar to look for line items in the filter dialog
Insert a search bar right under “Choose Line item” when adding a new filter rule.
Ability to add Folder structure to Lists, Modules, Actions etc
Being able to keep a model clean and well organised is really important in allowing model builders to understand and work with the model going forward. Often we find that as a model grows, the number of lists, modules, actions etc grows quite large and can start to become difficult to manage. This enhancement idea is to…
Add ability to easily step through / run until X in a Process
I would like the ability to more easily step through the actions in a given Process. Often when trying to debug an issue with a given process, I need to step through the actions in the process to see how the data or views change mid-process. Currently, I need to search for and run each action independently in order to do…
Display Line Item GUID in Blueprint
I would like to have a unique identifier for every line item in a blueprint displayed either on screen or when I do an export as this will enable me to do more straightforward comparisons between models where the line item name may have changed but not the use of the line item itself. Currently I either have to a code…
Ability to copy a process
It would be nice to have the possibility to copy a process. This will save some time when developing, because you can easily amend a simular process instead of collecting all actions again.
Comments within formula
There should be a syntax to add comments within the formula. All programming languages provide this feature, for example: /* comment */ is used in Java, plsql. This will help to temporary remove any part of the formula for testing or add meaningful comments for reference.
New Formula Editor - Positioning and Default Setting
For the New Formula Editor is it possible to: 1. Be able to dock it at the top and left of the screen as well as the bottom \ right 2. Set a default so that each time you expand into the new editor box it opens to the left\right\top\bottom depending on your setting, or if a setting is not possible then have it default to…
Using LOOKUP and SUM with Formula summary method
A detailed description of the enhancement that is being requested. We would like to request an enhancement that would allow to use LOOKUP and SUM with Formula summary method. Currently Anaplan doesn’t allow to do so, although in many cases it is needed and doesn’t break the math. If available, could you please provide a…