Create ABORT button when getting stuck with changes/formula when you made mistake.
When submitting changes to line item, and you know you did mistake. Please let us ABORT calculation by Anaplan. It will save tie and resources when building model.
Add List Subsets to Model Search (new modeling experience)
Please add List Subsets to the Model Search of the new modeling experience, with a link to the parent list. List subsets are currently very difficult to identify if they were not initially created with a good naming convention. I end up having to export all General Lists and using Excel to search for the list subset in…
Bulk Copy Action - Line Item Input
Great addition this past weekend with the Bulk Copy Action so that it can be tied to a process. As another enhancement to this feature - it would be great if the model builder can set line item values to drive the input - similar to the update current period action released prior.
open a list and keep it open
Hi Team, Would to be able to open a List as a new tab as with opening a module. Then it stays open until I close it. I appreciate best practice is to create property modules but we don't need property modules on all other lists and we have enough to build already. So before I go building formulae I can first of all open…
Copy and paste items from a numbered list with duplicate display names into more than one cell
Currently an error is returned if you copy an item from a numbered list, in which there is another item within that list that shares the same display name, and the user attempts to paste this into more than one cell. The workaround for this is to create a new line item, enter a formula, find the code for the corresponding…
New modelling experience: Can we bring back the lists in the settings bar please?
Hi All, Here is my number one reason for staying on the old modelling experience: The new settings bar does not have lists. I liked the old settings bar. I did not think it was too big. It was never an issue. Removing the names of the different settings and only having the icon saves space, but I like seeing the names!…
Be able to navigate/refresh dashboards while processes are running by other users
It will be a lot more efficient for users to be able to navigate and refresh through the dashboards so at least be able to view the information even if other users are running actions or entering inputs. At the moment, the whole model freezes while other users are processing action or entering inputs. This sometimes may…
Enable Hot Key Refresh for modules, etc.
Hello, I find myself trying to refresh classic dashboard and backend modules with Alt+R, similar to the UX, and it would be great if we can get this functionality on the backend for module build.
Formula Drilldown Highlight for Relevant Sections (esp. IF statements)
It would be really helpful if formula drilldown could highlight (maybe bold or with colors) the sections of a formula that actually apply in a specific calculation. For instance, in formulas with nested IFs, a lot of it will not apply in a particular calculation because the IF condition is not met. However, that is often…
Ability to Use Copy Down/Copy Across on a Higher-Level Breakback Cell
Currently, when a builder has Breakback turned on for a line item and selects "Select Levels to Show" in a module and only selects higher levels in a hierarchy, copy down/copy across will not work on these summarized Breakback cells (Fig01). I would like the ability to use Copy Down/Copy Across in a module for on these…
Ability to create Formulas between models
As a workspace admin, i need to build connected planning between models, meaning direct formulas references between models themselves. This is needed as our current only option is to either use import actions which need to be either run manually, or scheduled through cloudworks or would require a substantial amount of…
Wider "Format" column / column resizing in module blueprint mode
Please make the "Format" column in module blueprint mode much wider. Currently, list-formatted line items with list names of more than a word or two cannot be seen fully, which makes it hard to distinguish between similarly named lists at a glance. The only way to see the full list name is to click into the line item…
No sounds in Anaplan Level 2 Model Building: Sprint 1's 1.3.2 Import Errors's Summary sections
No sounds in Anaplan Level 2 Model Building: Sprint 1's 1.3.2 Import Errors's Summary sections, as picture shown where the exact part as I am referring.
Increase 1 million list item limit for Order list action
Requesting to increase the limit of 1 million list item count for Order list action. Currently we will get the following error when list item is over 1 million: Cannot Run ActionThe number of items in the list (1000001) exceeds the maximum allowed (1000000)
New Line Item Text Format Type - SmallText
First, I would like to address that I do not know how the back end of Anaplan is built, so I am unsure as to the possibility or ease of implementation of this idea. The idea is taking a concept from SQL Server. SQL Server has the following data types for storing integer values: bigint, int, smallint, and tinyint. The below…
Lengthb / LENB function
I would like to request a function to get the length of multibyte string in Anaplan. In some countries such as Japan and China, users can use multi-byte characters to enter number and alphabets. Our user wants to avoid entering the list name (i.g. Customer Name) in multi-bytes by mistake. Currently, end users can set same…
Validation Button in Formula Editor
I would like to request validation functionality be added to the formula editor in Anaplan. On large models if a formula is entered incorrectly you can wait 8, 10, 12 minutes for Anaplan to process the incorrect formula. I have seen other application in this space have a validation button for formulas which allow you to…
Drag/drop and select multiple for reordering actions in a process
When reordering actions in a process, I would like to be able to drag/drop and also select multiple actions at once, the same way we can when reordering line items for a module. Currently, we can only do 1 action at a time, and move 1 spot at a time using the up/down arrows. This is very tedious and time-consuming when…
Childs with same parent crossing in a same module
Hello all, Imagine we have a parent list Country (G1) and two child list attached to this list: Fisrt list => Regions (G2) and a second list Stores/Entities (G2 bis). We need this second list Digital Stores because for each country we may have 2 or 3 digital stores which may serve all regions of my country. For example, in…
Modelling from module "Line Items" view
The "Line Items" tab is a really handy view when reviewing a model and looking through multiple line items across different modules at the same time. You can currently access the formulas by double-clicking but I think the view would be so much better if you could access all the module modeling actions (i.e adding a new…