SELECT command does not work with Version name having number in its name
Hi, I was working to find products ASP for a Version with a variance of 10% between product ASP in other Version. For example, product ASP outlier with version BOQ(Beginning of Quarter) works well unlike EOQ1 (It consists of text and number). 1st formula works well unlike the 2nd one which gives Inval. I believe its a bug…
Version formula
Hi! It would be great if version formula feature would be applicable not only to line item subsets but also to ordinary formats as in case of large number of versions and difference between approaches used in each of the version it will save a lot of time and enable more flexible modelling.
improving filters and tags in manage model page and Anaplan UI
I am posting this on behalf of Jason First, design a way for our model builders to tag their models with attributes like Model Owner, Model Purpose Category, or other built in attributes like Environment (as in Picture 2 below). Second, design a way to filter or sort models based on these tags in the Model Management pane…
Move "Refresh" button from Edit Menu, onto Main Blueprint Toolbar
This is a quick one, but I was wondering if we could move the Refresh button out of the Edit Menu and into the main module blueprint toolbar? When I explain it to new folks, they always find it un-intuitive to have to open the Edit Menu, before they can Refresh.
Dynamic Charts in ALM
I keep having issues where I create a dynamic chart using a time filter (eg. Rolling 13 month filter) however when publishing it to live models it stays static which causes some unnecessary maintenance each month. Can this be fixed??
Ability to create modules and dashboards automatically based on selected dimensions.
Automate the creation of modules and dashboards based on dimension selections from a start model building dashboard according to the attached screenshot. Category: Model Building Automation.
Summary settings: total sum
Hi All, It would be interesting to have an option "Total Sum", that only aggregates the value for the ultimate parent in the hierarchy. This would almost completely remove the need to create flat lists with a lot of benefits: - less complexity; - no mappings between lists; - easier/more intuitive to model While retaining…
Select levels of hierarchy that are applicable for a module/line item
Hi all, Different teams at a client tend to work different. So a hierarchy might consist of 5 levels, but different teams tend to only use 2 or 3 of those levels for their day to day business. It would be a nice option if we were able to select the levels within a hierarchy that are applicable for that module or line item.…
Number Formatting - Round Formula
Currently the Round Formula can be applied only on specific lines or calculations. Would be nice to have an option to set Number Rounding at 'Number settings' apart from Number Format Display.
Increase the character limit of the MAILTO function
The MAILTO function currently has a limit of around 2000 characters and any greater than this will prevent the message from being opened in your chosen mail app. This is normally fine for standard English alphabetic characters, but can cause issues for non-English alphabetic characters. For example the Japanese character キ…
Why is the line item format selectable?
Why do we need to set a format for the line item on creation, can it not be a read-only field and set based on the formula/data. Anaplan knows when we get it wrong, why not just set to what it is supposed to be?
Ability to get to know "Published on" App/Page feature
Since we are moving away from classic dashboarding slowly and NUX being the future of reporting in Anaplan we may need to know where the modules have been published on NUX. Hence proposing an idea of having an ability to get to know about the "Published on Page/App" feature in Anaplan Models. It needs to be precise to tell…
Filter History by Users
With growing number of changes being recorded in the model history it becomes very difficult to analyze the exported file of Historical Changes esp when we want to track changes for a month or two atleast as the file can become quite big to play around with. Hence Proposing an idea of having an ability for a model builder…
Have total in summaries to only include sums of only the items users have access to
It would be useful to have a sum that only included values from list items the user has read access to. So if you have a list with items A, B and C, and one user only has access to A and B, they would still be able to see a total of their view (A and B) . Why this would help: When using selective access, not all views roll…
Ability to enter decimals without leading zeros via new UX forms
When we are using the forms in the new UX to create list items, the form with a number formatted line item is not letting the user enter decimal numbers without leading zeros ".05". When entering the number directly into the cell, it accepts it but when using the form, it gives an error saying it is not a valid number.…
Calculation Function / Formula context specific suggestions
When typing in a calculation function, show a dropdown box that provides possible matches Example 1: In the formula box when you type "Da" a tooltip suggests "DATE, DAY, DAYS, DAYSINMONTH, DAYSINYEAR.." etc Example 2 (List/Module specific): When typing "Employees. " a tooltip suggests your available Properties or Line…
Ability to move to different Workspace from the model itself
Current State Scenario: If you are working on a model and you wish to move to another model in different workspace you have to go back to Home screen then go to Manage Models-> Select Workspace ->Select Model Idea: From the current model we hit Manage Models->Select Workspace-> Select Model. This eliminates the need to go…
Ability to customize Dimensions for line item summaries
I would like the ability to customize the dimensions across which the automatic line item summary will apply. Currently, we can only specify Summary (for all selected dimensions) and Time Summary. This means that for multi-dimensional line items, if I need a summary over one dimension I am forced to summarize over all…
Tree View not available due to large lists
Tree View have to be available even if the list is large. Anaplan could show it on different pages, but it's a big limitation to the client if they can't see the tree view list.
Adjust Size of List Items in Columns
We have an option of adjusting our Row Size, this is useful when we don't want to show the dimension of the module. There are cases when we don't want to show Rows as well as Columns of the module like the typical 2-D/excel way of displaying things. Hence Proposing an idea of Having an ability to adjust the Size of the…
Click through Formula
Formulas should be clickable. Ex: If formula for one line item is as follows: Sales.Actuals When we hover over Sales or Actuals then it should become underlined and clicking on Sales should automatically open Sales module.
Line breaks in free text fields
Please add the feature to enable line items and data with free text, with all characters including line feeds. Ctrl+Alt+Enter creates a line feed while entering the data, but it is lost when the data is referenced.
Show Multiple Spaces in Module Names (Bug?)
Not sure if this is a bug, or just a weird feature. If you enter multiple spaces in a module name, Anaplan will trim to a single space when displaying the module in the modules panel. For instance 'Country P&L' becomes 'Country P&L'. This becomes an issue when using the search function to try and locate a module. The…
Ability to drag and drop an Import action in a Process
Hi Team, It would be really good if we have a Drag and Drop feature of an Import action (in addition to Up and Down arrows) in Edit --> Process. For instance, if a Process has more than 40+ Import actions, then it would be difficult to move a newly added import action/ an existing action to the 22nd place. Thanks Sathya
Categorizing the content panel based on the Module Categories
I have always wondered what are the benefits of categorizing the functional areas of the modules. In content panel we only see functional areas and not the categorization. It would be great if this categorization can be applied to the content panel. This would help not only the admins but also the end users and I also…
Support of basic excel functions like RAND, RANDBETWEEN, RANDARRAY
It would be nice to have these Random number generating functions. These functions revery useful to generate some test and demo data, rather than inputting numbers and copy forward or importing from an excel. Can all be used for other purposes that I can not think of now.
Summary method shown when drilling down
I suggest a simple addition to the drill down feature that displays the summary method that was applied to the line item. This is because it is sometimes not readily apparent (especially to an end user) how a top level summation has been calculated.
Filtering a list based on a property
When in a list grid view, enable a list to be filtered on a property. This is only possible by creating a module using the list and creating line item linked to properties.
Search Option while Selecting Lists for Module Dimension
There should be an option to search lists while applying to modules. In our use case, we have too many lists/subsets to scroll and select the appropriate one. Changing a dimension is even nightmare when multiple lists are applied to the module. Ideally, It is should be similar to how we add actions to a process ( Click and…
Deactivate Formula Scope if Versions = Not Applicable
Hi, In a module blueprint, there is a field called 'Formula Scope'. For modules where Versions = Not Applicable, using 'Formula Scope = Actual Version' or 'Formula Scope = Current Version' will nullify the calculation of any formula in a line item. This is potentially dangerous, because: 1. If there is a formula + Formula…