Support of basic excel functions like RAND, RANDBETWEEN, RANDARRAY
It would be nice to have these Random number generating functions. These functions revery useful to generate some test and demo data, rather than inputting numbers and copy forward or importing from an excel. Can all be used for other purposes that I can not think of now.
'List Item' Scope on Formulae
Would it be possible to implement a 'List Item' scope similar to Version Scope against line item formulae within Anaplan. My thinking here would be to allow some list items to be driven by inputs, and other list items to be driven by a formula. This would be a huge enhancement, but in than vein I am unsure as to how…
Copy Across and Down on right click of an inputable cell
Currently option for an inputable cell when right click are copy, hide, breakback, sort etc. It would be nice to have the option of Copy Across and Down in dashboards. It is already available on the edit option of the module.
Filtering a list based on a property
When in a list grid view, enable a list to be filtered on a property. This is only possible by creating a module using the list and creating line item linked to properties.
Add Folders for Modules and Lists
Similar to the idea posted here, but with this idea could be a possible solution? * Add folders to object contents (e.g. module, list, and actions). * Allow the creation of sub-folders. It goes without saying, but this would really improve model organisation, especially for larger models. The functionality could be similar…
Add Sort Selected On Reorder Dialogue
Can a 'Sort Selected' group be added on the reorder dialogue, similar to the 'Sort All' group shown below. This would help with organisation in models, most notably where you want to order numbered modules, but only in a specific area of your module list. The group would have a similar function, but as indicated would only…
Improve List Item Deletion
Improve the list item deletion within Anaplan so that if a model builder selects 'Delete All' from the delete dialogue when there are vast numbers of list items the model builder is prevented. Doing so would prevent model and workspace lock ups. To explain this further: Consider a list with 1,000,000 items. If you attempt…
Option for setting standard totals positions on rows
Totals position on rows defaults to "after" for each new module. Would be good if one can set the default on model level.
List Inheritance
Where lists are in a hierarchy, it would be really helpful if Anaplan natively understood the concept of inheritance. Here's an example. Consider two lists in a hierarchy: * L1 Countries * L2 Cities L1 Countries is the parent to L2 Cities. Within an attributes module, each L1 Countries list item is assigned a currency.…
Add XOR formula
Title says it all, a XOR formula would be really helpful and reduce formula length when trying to test an exclusive or. For those unfamiliar, here is the logic table for XOR. It acts as an OR however if both inputs are TRUE, then XOR returns false.
Summary Method per List
In DISCO we create CAL modules that are purely for caulations and turn Summary Method to NONE. There are though many times where to be most efficient you may want to only have the Summary method apply to one list. e.g. you want it to SUM on product only because you can then use it in an Output module which doesn't need the…
Insert Line items – Format settings
The reason behind the ask is because Anaplan is not letting the model builder even to add dummy line items (Divider with None as a format) if the model exceeds the size as it takes the 'number' as default. I hope to resolve this concern, probably Anaplan can let the developer choose the format of the line item before…
We have Native IsFirstOccurrence functionality which helps us in a number of ways while modelling. I think having IsLastOccurrence will also be equally helpful in Anaplan.
Improved Formula Editor/Bar
If the following features could be added to the formula bar in Anaplan it would make model building and maintenance a lot easier! * Colour coded statements and keywords (e.g. IF THEN ELSE, line items, constants) * Ability to indent and enter new lines. Particularly useful for IF statements * Keyword autocompletion *…
Switch Statement Formula
Adding a switch statement formula to Anaplan to get rid of long nested IFs! This would assist in readability (and therefore maintenance) of complex formulae. Switch statements allow you to test a condition, and assign an outcome to each condition. For instance you may have want to test what mode of transport is being used:…
Deactivate Formula Scope if Versions = Not Applicable
Hi, In a module blueprint, there is a field called 'Formula Scope'. For modules where Versions = Not Applicable, using 'Formula Scope = Actual Version' or 'Formula Scope = Current Version' will nullify the calculation of any formula in a line item. This is potentially dangerous, because: 1. If there is a formula + Formula…
User List Top Level
The users' list should have a top-level for calculations. Currently, the users' list can't be used for inputting data as there is no top-level so errors occur when referenced by a line item without the user dimension.
List subset from formula
I'd love to have the ability to create a list subset from a formula. That would give a great way to pre-filter and limit sparsity in modules.
Attribute Module for Inbuilt Users List
Suppose I have a module with Inbuilt Users list as a dimension (No other list should be used as a dimension in that module). Now if I can create a line item which will pull the attributes from Users Command of Anaplan into this module. Just click and refer. For example If I want to see what is the model role of the User I…
Enter Saved View on Saved View Creation/Save
When creating saved views, it would be great if Anaplan enters the saved view immediately after creation. Currently, anaplan returns to the default view of the module. This can be a bit annoying if you need to make a quick change to the view, such as adding a filter or showing/hiding columns.