No subtotal for Weeks: General time setting
Description of the enhancement required: In the timescale settings add Total of All Periods for Weeks: General timescale How would it help the business process: For example, looking at the travel and tourism industry, which is highly seasonal (e.g. different destinations, hotels, and services are in demand in the summer vs…
Editable hover-over text on cells
Description of the enhancement required: The Hover-Over Tip function: Allows the user to hover over a cell, table, module, model, dashboard or buttons which then shows a short description or identifier for the object. An example of the enhancement: User wants to see a short background description without having to drill or…
Search grid data
As an admin/end-user I want to search on data as well as column/row labels
No way to get last month of quarter in one line item
As an example, if the first month of the Fiscal Year is Mar 15, I want "May 15" returned because that's the last month of the quarter. This is my formula (on a line item formatted as Month and no Timescale): FINDITEM(Time, NAME(PERIOD(END(PARENT(TIME.'Apr 15'))))) However, this returns 'Apr 15' due to this in Anapedia:…
"Edit From" and "Edit To" in "Versions" don't prohibit users from importing values to that time peri
Description of the enhancement: The RFE would be to disallow users from importing into a timescale that they cannot edit. To reproduce: 1. Create a module with "Versions" and "Time" as dimensions. 2. In "Settings"->"Versions", change the "Edit From" to "Feb 16" on the "Actual" version. 3. Back in your module on "Actual"…
Convert time period to a date
Description of the enhancement required: As an extension or alternative to the DATE function
Additional week formats
Description of the enhancement: We would like to have a Week format that will combine the number of the weeks in period and the period associated with the week. For example, for week 50, we'd like to see Wk 2 - P13 FY14. I imagine this is a concern for retail companies as this is the way most retail companies look at…
Drilldown displays formulas without parenthesis, and cannot be copied back into line item
Description of the RFE: Users are copying and pasting formula from drilldown dialog, which isn't possible because parenthesis are removed. This is an RFE to retain the parenthesis, or at least provide that option. Use case: Drilldown formula is removing parenthesis. This is causing come issues for us working with a large…