Search possibility when adding selective accesses for users
It is impossibly hard to navigate and find and select a selective access item for a user in user management when the hierarchy is complex and the selective access list has too many items. Is it possible to implement a search functionality for a selective access lookup screen?
Search Option for Filter Line Item to Find
Hello Community, I would like to give one suggestion/idea on to provide search option while applying filter on module. This thought came when I'm scrolling to find my filter line item out of n no.of line items in the module. I hope this makes easy modeling/avoid scrolling a lot while applying filter.
Make the "model open analysis" available
It is very common to face performance issues with Anaplan models. Examples are not lacking, you just have to have a look to Anaplan Community to realize it. Several “best practices” exist: https://community.anaplan.com/discussion/33530/oeg-best-practice-plans-this-is-how-we-model Moreover, a tool exists, the “Model Open…
Statistical Functions Package: Normal Distribution
Concept: Include basic Statistical Functions in Anaplan Description: I miss some basic statistical functions among the available functions. These formulas are extremely useful when it comes to calculate chances or risks, which is a common and useful bit within the forecast calculations. A good example is the lack of a…
Use ChatGPT's API to produce commentary and send it back into Anaplan
I've love to see some more native API's to connect Anaplan into ChatGPT API to be able to generate commentary. This would be an application similar to CloudWorks or PlanIQ that allows you to configure certain fields to be selected and then a certain style or questions can be asked to ChatGPT to produce the commentary based…
Dynamic Cells Calculation (DCC)
This feature would allow to selectively switch between "Calculation" or "Manual Input" on a specific LineItem. Much like the DCA, the DCC would be based on a boolean. When True, the formula would apply but when False the user would be allowed to type data. This would allow to make Anaplan much more dynamic and greatly…
Multiple Summary Methods Per Line Item
Description of the enhancement required: Ability to use different summary methods by module dimension (list) An example of the enhancement: We can currently summarise differently the lists and the time dimension but it would be great to be able to choose a different summary method by list/dimension. For instance if a…
Stop the mistake research processing
As a Model Builder, I would like to be able to stop the mistake research by using an action button. This processing can be very long when we are building an heavy model (5-10 minutes) and most of the time we already know where is the mistake (format, etc.). That's why we can save a lot of time if we could click to stop the…
Line items
Hi Anaplan Team, Model builders could work more quickly and efficiently if we could display the list of filters and import actions. When we attempt to delete a line item, Anaplan shows the referenced line items, but it does not indicate which line items that specific line item is using in filters and import actions.
Ability to select versions as a list formatted line item for use in lookup statements
Versions are useful as they allow switchover functionality enabling a user to both enter a forecast on a line and see actuals in the same line item. However, comparing versions to eachother (any version to any other version dynamically) requires a "Versions List" and logic to engage that list with the Version you want to…
Time Ranges Notes
I would like to have Notes available to be able to record comments against a Time Range so as to give more clarity as to what the Time Range is used for and whether it needs to be rolled forward at a Year End as in some cases there may be no need to change the start year of the time range for instance but without knowledge…
Default number format for line item
As model builder I have to change format settings for each number-formatted line item individually when it's created. Would be nice if somewhere in the system I could setup default number format to be applied automatically when new line item is created. In example below you can see that once created a line item has the…
Ability to view Totals for selective access enabled list items
Users would have the provision to view the totals of the list items they have access to in a particular hierarchy even though the selective access is enabled
Users at tenant level
Hi Would be nice to be able to export users data at tenant level, just like you can do at model level: Also would be nice for system to synch with Admin Access Control>Assignments and Users e.g. if one disables a user in Admin section, the user does not appear in Assignments list. Below user is disabled but still appears…
Ability to Comment Code
The ability to put comment blocks and indents within your formulas, so as to allow model builders to better document and format their code within the models for readability and understanding purposes. This will help align Anaplan's language back to the basic features all other development languages used in an enterprise…
Planning Gross Margin % and other Ratio metrics at levels above the bottom level
Pretty much everyone would agree that Gross Margin % (GM%) is a REALLY important metric when planning your business. It’s a key performance indicator for healthy past performance, and a key driver for future investment decisions and performance management. Employees are frequently bonused on revenue and margin goals – so…
Ability to test the model as a non WSA
Hi, It would be great if we could have a button to toggle which will let us replicate the non-WSA access. This will help in cases when there is a single model builder and he needs to test a functionality created for Non - WSA. This should not remove the workspace admin rights but more of like a 'Test as Non WSA' type of…
NUX - Pushing Changes from TEST App pages to PROD App Pages
BACKGROUND: We utilize ALM and have everything built out in Apps for End Users. We have Duplicate Apps for TEST and PROD. PROBLEM: This becomes a pain and time consuming maintaining the changes you make in both TEST and PROD. Currently we have to make a duplicate of each page edited, move it to the new app, then repoint…
Syncing Revision Tags
When pushing changes from DEV to PROD there is a box you need to uncheck to make sure PROD does not go offline. If a golden rule of the ALM is to not take off a model from PROD that box should default to being unchecked.
Increase Note Character Count (in Blueprint Mode)
250 characters or how ever many is too small for saving off larger formulas when modeling or if saving detailed descriptions/insctructions. Please increase to a few thousand. Thanks.
Ability to display negative numbers as positives
Detail description of the enhancement that is being requested: We have numerous requests to have costs displayed as positive numbers but aggregate as negative. The current workarounds are very difficult To provide more clarification, could you please explain how you hope the enhancement would assist in your business…
Model Search Idea: Recently opened objects
As a model builder, I would like to be able to have a quick list of recently visited objects (such as lists, modules, dashboards, pages - everything that opens as a separate tab in NMX) - at least 10 objects. This will save a lot of time while working on a particular functionality in big models for a long time. Every time…
Ability to select multiple grids and drag and drop as needed
While building UX page, it would be better if the developer can select multiple cards/grids in the page and move them together rather than doing it one by one which would save lot of time
Provide Retrospective Access to Optimizer Process Failed Message
When the Optimizer has failed (e.g. due to a timeout) I would like to be able to access the Process Failed message and details for the most recent Optimizer run from the Actions tab in the model. This feature could be provided e.g. via a hyperlink in the Start Date and Time (UTC) column. The message contains useful…
Option to not include current period in YTD calculation but in YTG instead
Description of the enhancement required: YTD calc should NOT include the current week and YTG should include the current week. How would this engancement improve your processes: I do several YOY indexes and they are all incorrect because of this. When I compare YTD this year to YTD prior year there is always extra data in…
Today() Function
I'm wondering why in Anaplan we can only have to input current period in Time. As we're using Anaplan as Supply Chain planification tools and we work really at planning on days level. So it's necessary for us to determine "today"'s date. The solution we use now is to launch an automatic import and update the "Today" item.…
Improve history logging when changing current period
When a change is made to the current period of a model, the history record which gets generated only contains a description of "Change Time Scale". It would be useful if the Previous Value and New Value fields could be populated as well to understand the change in current period
Iterate Process X Times
Functionality should be added that allows users to iterate a process X times. This could be done with nested processes (which have gained support and would have other use cases), or some other configuration to determine if a process should be run several times. Use Case - pro forma financial statement development. To…
Week Coverage, also known as forward coverage or stock cover
A description of the enhancement requested Week Coverage, also known as forward coverage or stock cover. As an example we have Forecast Sales and Current Stock. Formula should calculate how many future periods of forecast will be covered by Current stock. This is achievable in Anaplan with below function: Look Forward +…
Anaplan History Extraction based on Specific Criteria
Hi Anaplan Team, We now only have one option for extracting history: selecting a date range. It will benefit all model builders and Anaplan workspace admin users who truly take part in model development if we can offer more options, filters, or criteria. History Extraction Options along with Data Range: based on a specific…