Use SUM Rules Dimensioned by Users for Source Data not Dimensioned by Users
I recently posted a question on the forums in relation to a workaround for a bug in the LOOKUP formula. I wholeheartedly feel like the LOOKUP bug (where it doesn't work for parent items that are in the same list as the leaf-level members) should be fixed. And I recognize that there are some workarounds available (as…
Maintain & Return to Model Builder's last Position in Modules / Dashboard / Actions lists
The search feature in these lists is nice, but anytime I have to switch between them I have re-find what I was looking at when I go back. A major, yet simple quality of life improvement for model builders would be when I switch between these lists, hold the scroll position I was on and take me there when I return. For…
Connecting two subsets in formulas
Description: I want to save server space and put all promo packs to a subset, but I have two types of promo packs, which have different calculations. Eventually I am obliged to sum them up without use of subset, which occupies a lot of excessive space. Example of enhancement: Create total promo packs subsets out of two…
Version formula with valid Circular Reference error does not appear only until a new module with Ver
Description of the enhancement requiredIt would be useful to have a preventive check that would prevent Version formula with valid Circular Reference to be saved during initial setup of the model prior to any new module creations.An example of the enhancement:When creating a new model from scratch, when the model builder…
If a model saves during a process, the progress bar will read as 'Generating failure dump' which is
When running a process, if the model saves it incorrectly tells the user that it is 'Generating failure dump' instead of 'Saving model'. This is causing confusion for customers as there are no failures after the import has completed.
Ability to select multiple items in the Manage Views screen
Description of the enhancement required: Ability to select multiple items in the Manage Views screen An example of the enhancement: Within a module, select Views > Manage Views. Be able to hold Ctrl/Cmd or Shift, and select multiple items in the list, and then Delete them. A story for why you want the enhancement (How…
Order of subsets in applies to should respect order in general lists
Detail description of the enhancement that is being requested: There is a current inconsistency between the order subsets are shown in the applies to dialog and the order in the general lists screen The order subsets are shown in the applies to reflects the order in which the main lists were created, not the current order…
Allow list imports to retain the order of the list items in the source file or source module.
Description of the enhancement required: Allow list imports to retain the order of the list items in the source file or source module. An example of the enhancement: When importing to a list, the list should reflect the position of new members of the list as it does in the source file (or module) instead of adding new…
More granular forumula scope for versions
Description of enhancement: Ability to set formula scope for selected versions rather than just the limited options of All/Actual/All except Actual/Current. Business case: This would give us the ability to control what versions applied to a given formula. Would allow us to create snapshots. Would allow us to work in two…
When I Create a New Action / Module / Dashboard take me to it in the list
When creating an Open Dashboard action in a very long list of actions, the action gets created and the list gets scrolled all the way back up to the top. Our Actions list is over 1500 items long, we have hundreds of processes, imports, exports and other actions to scroll through making this simple task of adding a new open…
Lookup Function -enhance this function with adding ability to ignore module's default dimensionality
Description of the enhancement required: Lookup Function - enhance this function with adding ability to ignore module's default dimensionality when using lookup. Pain - currently you cannot set another search argument instead of module's dimensionality, module's dimensionality is always used as lookup priority in Anaplan.…
Ability to create ad hoc aggregations via multi-selections in filters
I want the ability to narrow down the summaries I see for a parent. I need to give end users the option to see summaries for any combinations of list elements in any dashboards and modules. At the same time, users should be able to select several list items for tables to synchronize with all of them simultaneously. If you…
Ability to enable/disable multiple filters under "Filter Segment based on data in..."
Description of the enhancement required: I want the ability to narrow down the summaries I see for the parent. If you select a parent, you see all summaries for the child, but I want to be able to have the ability to select multiple parents, or multiple children, while having the ability to exclude others. For example…
Ability to use Roles as a dimension
Enhancement Request: Ability to use User Roles as a dimension To provide more clarification, could you please explain how you hope the enhancement would assist in your business process(es)? It would be quite efficient for the customer in terms of usage the dynamic cell access functionality. That gives our finance users…
Search model and Display results across Actions, Modules, Dashboards, Lists in one screen
It is common to use the exact wording between actions, modules, dashboards etc., however in order to see the results of items from these different groupings, currently I have leave a view (say the module view) to go to another view (actions) and search the results again (which also resets my search from the last view).…
User-defined, collapsible groups in Actions / Dashboards / Modules Lists
As a model builder, I would like to be able to create & name my own groups within Actions / Modules / Dashboards lists, as well as collapse those groups I don't want to view at the moment, to help me decluttter the Anaplan screen & better focus on what I'm trying to accomplish at that moment. Additionally, if I perform a…
Mousing-over part of a formula should show its current computed value
Normally when writing code I can troubleshoot my code by stepping through it piece by piece to see where things fall apart. In order to accomplish this in Anaplan i tend to have to create separate line items with pieces of my formula to see how they compute. To help a modelbuilder better troubleshoot formulas without…
Add CTRL + SHIFT + S Hotkey to search in Module / Dashboard / Actions Lists
Just like searching in a published module on a dashboard, for consistency when model building, I would like to be able to hit the same CTRL+SHIFT+S hotkey when looking through the list of modules / actions / dashboards etc. to quickly search, instead of having to manually click the search button.
Hotkeys for copy across/down
A detailed description of the enhancement that is being requested: can the copy down/across function be added as hot keys (combination of keys on computer keyboard) How you hope the enhancement would assist in your business process(es)?: Some of our end users do use these functions pretty often. The enhancement is pretty…
User-list filtering
A user-list filter that would show the current user on dashboard views and other outputs, to record who was looking at the user
Ability to rename a line item without breaking the import mapping
Description of the enhancement: If a line item which is used as the source of an import is renamed, its mapping is removed and the action must be re-mapped. To re-create: * Setup an import from "LineItemA" in ModuleOne to LineItemB in ModuleTwo. The line items will need manually mapping since they have different names. *…
TEXT function to have the option to convert the displayed format
Description of the enhancement: Currently using the TEXT function it will convert the underlying number. For example, if you have: Line Item 1: Number format, set it to 5 decimals - value: 0.0000005 Line Item 2: Text format, Formula: TEXT(Line Item 1) Result: 5-E07 Desired Result (in TEXT FORMAT): 0.0000005
Allow Week Format for Timescale Weeks:General
Description of the enhancement required: Improve Timescale Weeks:General An example of the enhancement: Ability to define a week in 3 ways, like in other timescales: W/e, W/c and Week No A story for why they want the enhancement, (how would it help their business process): A number of industries are very seasonal. Think…
Increase 60 minute, no activity model unload
A description of the enhancement required: As an Workspace Admin I want a solution that prevents Anaplan to go out of in memory after 60 min because I need to prevent my end users to be confronted with a long load time. An example of the enhancement: Could be an option to set time slots when a model should always be kept…
History Enhancement: More details around changes to lists
Description of the enhancement: We would like to see which of our users unchecked the Product Data box for a list. There is no logging to identify this and history in the model only shows this as a "Change list". The same applies for workflow, selctive access, and making a list a numbered list.
Rephrase action delete dialog so it is clear what is begin deleted from the model
A description of the enhancement requested: The customer would like the "Confirm Delete" message for deleting Actions in a model rephrased to not sound like they will be deleting all data within their model. An example of the enhancement: After selecting the Actions you wish to delete, the "Confirm Delete" message will…
Copy Branch should have the option for list formatted line items that are copied to update to the co
Description of the enhancement required: When using Copy Branch, Anaplan should give the user an option about how it copies blue (editable) cells - particularly for List formatted line items. The user should have the option for list formatted line items that are copied to update to the correct list item automatically. This…
Model save activation threshold should be reviewed
Description of the enhancement: Currently, if a model has six or more users it will save after 600 seconds worth of changes, and if it has less than six, it will save after 60 seconds worth of changes. There are development-stage models with more than six users that would benefit from saving every 60 seconds. Example of…
Improved ALM Error Reporting
Description of the enhancement required: Add more detail to error messages for ALM sync failures An example of the enhancement: When there's a ALM sync failure the current message to the customer is "An internal error has occurred", however most of the time the specific cause of the failure is captured in the logs. You…
Ability to archive versions in a model
Desription of the enhancement: We would like the ability to 'archive' versions within a model, so that we can save the data and look back at it later, but it will not take up space. Note that version subsets will not fully meet this requirement, because if you remove a version from a subset in a module, you will lose data…