Lookup and use case
Hi, I am new on using Anaplan. I was looking for use of lookup between source, mapping table and target. I read below statement but could not understand properly. "If your mapping table contains the Target List and maps to a Source list-formatted line item or list-formatted property, then use LOOKUP in your formula." Does…
Create subset in list based on subset from another list
Hi, I have a List 1 where one of its properties from List 2 In List 2, I have a subset which is manually created and not expected to change I need to create a subset in List 1 such that it will be automatically checked based on the subset ("GE" in pic above) in List 2. how can I go about doing it?
Data mismatch error
currently working on the level one exam and stuck on question 6 with rev04 model getting the formulas in. i know the formulas are right but the error pops up. so is there another step before entering the formula that i should be doing to bypass this error?
Department as a % of Total Revenue
Hi everyone, I am currently trying to develop a model that references two different regions within a list (that is production data). Let's say we have 2 line items: New England Revenue Total Company Revenue I want a ratio where I can reference our P&L (300ish line items) and say P&L Revenue [Select: List.New England] / P&L…
Movingsum over if statement based on isactualversion()
Hi all! In our model we do not get the wished results from a moving sum. I want to preform a movingsum over a line item which is constructed with an if statement in a model with versions. This is my line item if statement: Where isactualversion is iscactualversion() and is thus dependent on the version. Then we have a line…
Can I use the TimeSum with SELECT
Hello Could you help me with the following case please. I have a formula that is using SELECT but in addition to that I need to add a sum controlled by months with some members that I have already created but when using the timesum it generates an error because it conflicts with the SELECT. How could I solve it? The…
How to remove text before the dash (-) sign
Hi, I have a line item where I need to remove all those before the dash (-). Is there a way to do this? currentexpectedXXX - 123123XX - 12341234 Thanks!
Using Delete from List using selection for partial deletion of data for current Month only!!
Dear Community, Needed to check whether is it possible to delete Monthly data using Delete from List using selection for that particular current month. For example if we have data from Jan 2022 to Apr 2022 but we need to delete only the data for month of Apr 2022. How can this action be modified since we can currently…
Actions working differently in different environments
I have an Process which contains 4 actions. This Process is in DEV, Test and production environment. The process works well in Prod but not in DEV and Test for the end user. No change was made with respect to the actions in DEV. Also tried setting model same as end user's role. But still its throwing error in Test and dev.…
About textlist Formula
Hi I want to Textlist function. I want to get Customers by Product List. But I don't know how to use it. ListLineitemProductCustomerConbinationTextListP1C1☑C1,C2 C2☑C1,C2 C3 P2C1☑C1,C3 C2 C3☑ Do you have any idea?
Get dates in different dimensions module
Hi, I have a requirement to pull the dates in the module, the source and the target has different dimensions. Target module Source module I want the dates basis on the revolver in the target since I can't use sum function on the dates to pull it any workaround for this use case.
Get a total value on other line item
Hi, Can you help me with the next item. I need get the total value of the line item "%" and put in the line item "Pond". in the line item "Pond" is using a LOOKUP but a cant see any value.
Get Average of two month on same line item when is Budget
Hi , I want just calculate the moving average for the last two months, however once use the following formula IF ISACTUALVERSION() THEN Revenue actual ELSE movingsum(Average Revenue,-2,0, AVERAGE) Then circular reference error shows up. Could guys give me hand on how can solve these issues? I am looking forward to your…
Hi Team I am having an hierarchal list (Product L1,L2,L3,L4,L5). I am having a module which is having Product L5 list as dimension. I have published the above module to the dashboard and also published Product L4 list as page selector and synchronized. If user having access to all the hierarchy and user can select any…
Hello Community, anybody to help me, I'm trying to pull data from Module which has Time,Version,Lis as List and Amount as line item in Target module which does not have time and version means it has (Lis and amount as dimension) I'm trying to avoid hard coding {Source Li[SELECT:VERSIONS.ACTUAL,LOOKUP:GLOBAL DRIVE.FY]}.…
Lookup by roles and employees & country
Hi guys, As you see in capture 1 we have the Role wise salary details , but i a not able to get these salaries by employee wise , please look capture 3 sys module is there anything i am missing to get releation please help in that to get the employee wise details
User Selected YTD Time Filter
Hi everyone, Currently have a developed user-selected time filter we use on all of our UX Pages. Driving module: Page/Board Filter: We just implemented the YTD summary yesterday and now I am struggling to get some sort of filter in place where I can check a box and it appears similar to how months, quarters, and years work…
MROUND showing inconsistent results
Hi, I am trying to use MROUND formula to round to the nearest 100. However, there is some inconsistency that I spotted. original number * multiplier = number to round Example 1: Example 2: Why are the output number different when the "number to round" is the same? I want it to round to the nearest 100. If there number is…
Previous Function Cut-Off Date
Hello, I have a formula written that takes "Company Churn" / "Previous Revenue" Previous revenue = PREVIOUS(Revenue) The formula works for the individual months, but when it does the summary the rates are incorrect because it always has one month more worth of data in the revenue line item. Is there a way to say "If the…
Ratio Summary - Line item & time.
Hello Team, I was wondering that can we have different ratio for line items and time. For ratio as summary in Anaplan we have only one option, which will calculate the same for both line items and Time. Any suggestions, can we have different summaries by any work around. Thanks, Manjunath