Dynamic naming line action matching names in Actions
Hello. Quick question. I've implemented Dynamic renaming line items similar to this. The question I have is that I use both modules where I dynamically rename line items (Source and Target) in an action to copy calculated information into a snapshot (e.g.: REP9 into REP09b). Would I need to remap line items in the action…
11.3.4 Activity: Add Formulas to Profit & Loss Report Module
Hello everyone, on my activity, the totals for the other expenses are not populated as the same with the should be result in the activity. Here are some screenshots. This is my model: This is the should be: Any solutions to this? Thank you
The ITEM function should take a hierarchy as argument
I'm not quite sure why i receive the a/m error. Module: Formula: Error: The formula for 'REP01 Long Term Loan Payable'.Effective Interest is invalid: Effective Interest = IF Is Month Included in Period? THEN IF START(PERIOD('L1 List of Loans'.Date of Loan)) = START(ITEM(Time)) THEN 'L1 List of Loans'.Amount *…
How to start in a row based on specific date
Hi everyone. may i know how can i start in a specific month row based on my specific month or date. Here is my criteria: and this is what i want to display in m y module: Thank you.
Test_listメンバー検索 Moduleを使用してリスト内を検索するModuleにしたいです。 検索条件は画像2のとおり、 検索条件1:Text 検索条件2:list: 検索条件2(検索条件2はNumbered list) 検索条件3:Text です。 検索結果ラインアイテムにどの様な関数を検索結果に入れなければいけないかアイデアが欲しいです。
ALM enabled between 2 Dev models linking to the same Production Model
We have the usual setup of DEV → UAT → Prod copies of a model. We've took up a model optimisation activity which would involve deleting redudant models, changing dimensions, and changing logics. all aimed at reducing size and improving performance The bottle neck is that this activity will go on in parallel with the…
Spacing between number formatted line items that include units.
When we format a line item to include a unit, Is there a way to remove the space between the unit and the value? lines formatted to include the USD currency unit look like this as a default: $ 1,234,500 I would like to know if there is a way for it to appear like this: $1,234,500
Adding actions to processes
I am on Level 2 Sprint 1 training, here now I have created actions but now I want to add 1.5 and 1.6 to the processes to 1 Load products and T1.1, 1.2, & 1.3 to T1 Build Product Hierarchies. below is the SS for reference. Can anyone help me with how can I do that?
Hello, I have already a production model and i need to create 2 models X and Y . The X and Y models should be deployed and linked to the production using revision tags. Therearefore, i copied the production model twice. But when i pass a revision tag in the production i can only synchronize the Y model ( because it is the…
Why does my model gets logged out after 10 mins of inactivity
If I am inactive for 10 mins or more, my model gets logged out, I mean I am working on 5 different tabs, it should atleast be active for an hour. Is there any way to fix the timeout in the model??
Generating the sequential number with formula
Hello everyone . I have a module with 2 dimensions and only one line item . I want to generate the sequential numbers with formula like the numbers shown in the picture. I would be glad if someone could help me with this. Thanks
Mapping Issue for CC mapping to Driver List
Hi All, I'm having issue mapping Cost centre and a Driver List. Conditions on the Mapping are :- Driver List items to be mapped to all the Cost Centre Some Driver List item to be mapped to some of the Cost Centre What would be the best practice to do the mapping? How can the mapping be done. Below is the screenshot for…
Cannot Lookup nor Firstnonblank, how can I solve this?
Hi All, I have been trying to come up with a solution to this problem; I need to let the "belong to fab category?" boolean be checked whenever a cost element list item belong to that particular fab category (e.g. "direct labor") Now, the user has been already giving me this information in another module: However, the list…
Tracking import date
Hello, I'm having a little difficulty with something in Anaplan. I want to set up a system (module) where every time the end user try to import a new file in a page, we can note down the date it happened. We have different files, and I'd like to keep track of the last date data was brought in for each file separately. i…
Add KPIs as line items and steps to define its calculations. Can an admin user do it ?
There is a requirement where I need to give user/admin a feasibility to Add KPIs, define calculation steps. How can it be done ? Any suggestions? As per my understanding, if KPIs are my list items, then we cannot retain the calculations. KPIs need to be line items.
Import Error Issue
Hi Anaplaners, I'm importing a list hierarchy with 3 levels. I have added a prefix "DR1 -" for level 1 code and "DR2 -" for level 2 code & "DR3 -" for level 3 code to the hierarchy items to make them unique for successful import. But yet I'm getting an error "Invalid Parent" Below is the screen shot of the highlighted…
Running week of sales anaplan
Hi Team, I am trying to get Running week of sales in Anaplan. Below is the scenario. I have 1500 quantity in current week .. i have a forecast of 500, 500, 1000 for next 3 weeks. want to see value of 2.5wks in running week of sales i.e.based on forecasted numbers . Can any one help on it
Anaplan Bulk API Exports (Line Splitting on last row of chunk)
Exporting a file that ends up having over 100 chunks. The first and last rows of the files are split across different chunks. Is there a a way to prevent this?
TIMESUM from a Module with time dimension to a Module with a fakeweek dimension.
Good afternoon, I am trying to map the data in day format to a fake week dimension using a timesum. I have a start and end period in DATE format but the formula only gives me a result when this two are the same. This is the formula: This is the source module: With the data imported to day. And this is where I map each week…
Finding duplicate combination/inputs in different dimension
I have module dimensioned by TRID(1-100), Business Type(Type 1, Type2, etc.) and Region(EMEA,APAC,NA,LATAM). This module is used to define rules for each business type and Region. For example: So, these are the inputs/rules for each region . In this example For EMEA we have 3 rules Rule 1. Segment = A Partner = C Rule 2.…